Love and fears to it

171 7 26

Requested? Nope
Idea gained? Yes

Idea (and image) from: Weirdo_2754

They sent me a reel that showed an anime and in that clip the person asked about why people are afraid of same-sex couples and they made a small little text scrip with Robin and Ash and I just had to write it into a one-shot because it was to good

So weirdo, thank you for the idea, it will be extended and I will be keeping dialog you wrote in our chat, but I will add more to it or alter in for it to fit the story better, but it will mostly be the same.

Platonic ship: Robin and Ash

Mentionings of romantic ships: Phobin and Brash

Time line: sometime after the events (like two-three months maybe)

This one-shot will mention the following:

Family problems
And betrayal

If you are sensitive to any of these do skip this



Robin walked down the halls of the house her and the gang hang out in. It's the place that thr gang intends to move into after their collage years are finished. They are currently visiting each other during the breaks in this house (which was purchased by Dawn who was offered from her parents and the others who pitched in some money for it).

Well, not all of them. Phoenix went back home for the upcoming anniversary of her brother's death (which was reasonable), Blake was sick at the moment, and Brook's father basically told him to come home to "spend rime with family for once" and such.

But, Robin knew it was more to it than that. She didn't know what his father's intentions were, but they weren't out of concern or love that's for sure.

Meanwhile, Robin was still currently up late at night given she couldn't get to sleep. For reasons she couldn't explain. It was like something kept her awake. Again, for reasons she couldn't explain.

Was it the universe that kept her awake? But why? Robin only shook her head as more questions were about to pile up, she did not have the time or the want to think about it.

Just then, as she passed by one of the rooms she found a door creaked open. Upon remembering, it was Ash's room (or the one he's claimed). He has a habit of forgetting to shut his door sometimes before bed.

Just as she went to shut the door she peeked in mistakingly and noticed that Ash wasn't in bed, he was gone. Robin panicked as she opened the door suddenly.

"Asher?!" She called out as she began to look around frantically. She then felt a breeze flow into the room suddenly. She looked over and found the window open wide.

'Oh, he must be outside on the roof top' she thought to herself. But then she remembered what time it was. Which it was nearing 2 in the morning.

Robin blinked 'why is he out this late? He usually sits on the roof top during the day performing photosynthesis.' She wondered to herself.

Robin entered into the room and walked over to the open window. She stuck her head out and up, given that this house was almost like a massion so it had some stories to it (not a lot, like two or three).

Robin looked over and saw the unevening brick placements that poked out of the wall that looked to be enforced with a more solid rock around it (probably something Ash did himself or something). Robin gulped a little, she knew Ash would prefer to climb up the wall rather than flying.

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