Chapter seven

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***Hey guys, another chapter between Isaac and Evonne. Hope you enjoy. Remember to leave a comment, vote and follow me***

Isaac crouched down low to the ground, nearby vines brushing against his ruffled fur. The scent of strawberries was overwhelming. Perhaps this wasn't such a good hiding spot, but the tall vines with berries provided good cover, and he was close enough to the house, he could easily see movements through the windows.

Isaac's shoulder blades rolled as he pushed away from the soil. Leaving prints in the soil, he slithered forward. A light burst through one of the upstairs windows. The curtains ruffled as someone moved through the room. Her scent was strongest from the room. It had to her bedroom.


His claws dug through the soil as he caught a glimpse as Evonne passed the open window. Her scent reached him in strong waves. The nearby strawberries had nothing on her scent. It was a scent he knew he would never forget.

Evonne had ditched her jeans recently, and Isaac felt his heart race as he caught a glimpse of her exposed legs. He shook his head to clear the image away, but he knew it was useless. His ears folded against his head as music poured from the window. Even through the beat of the stereo, he could hear her singing along to the lyrics. It made him smile, his desire to be by his mate's side at an all-time high now.

The moon raced along the sky as he crouched down in the old farm. He knew about this farm, of course. Often seen the old woman selling the produce at the markets. It wasn't exactly the kind of upbringing he expected his mate to have, but he wasn't about to turn his back on his mate due to this.

An hour passed. Then another. Soon, Evonne settled down for the night. Shortly afterwards, her father left the basement and went off to bed. After that, not a single sound was heard from within the white walls.

He should be there. Beside his mate. Hold her as she slept. Watch her. Protect her. But he also knew Evonne being human would cause some complications. He hadn't told his own mother about her for a reason.

With stiff muscles, Isaac finally left the farm. But no matter how far he ran, Evonne's scent remained with him. He couldn't help but think it was because it was all so new. A new bond. New emotions. New scents. Maybe that's why he was acting all stalkerish right now.

As he raced home, using all the speed his inherited alpha abilities granted him, he was within his estate in minutes. He didn't like how far away Evonne lived from his property, but it did comfort him knowing he could be at her home within minutes if needed. Seconds, if he really pushed himself.

Yes, he thought as he climbed along a tilted column, bounced off a wide window ledge or two and leaped inside an open window. If needed, if she ever needed him, he could find her in seconds. He would.

Isaac didn't make a sound as he lurked through the house. It was late. Very late. He passed a few guards as he moved through the enormous house, all in matching dark uniforms. Not all of them were werewolves, but they all nodded in respect as Isaac moved on. Outside, he could hear a few more guards on patrol.

As Isaac headed towards his section of the house, he let his magic out in slow bursts. As a result, his transition back to human was slow and prolonged. He didn't mind it, though. This way, he could feel the instant he moved from one form to another.

Finally human, Isaac tore the jacket off his body. He wasn't cold anyway, and it felt more free this way. As he rounded another bend, a dark form lunged at him from a nearby shadow.

With a growl, Isaac responded instantly, sidestepping the dark form as it barrowed past. The shadow only counter-reacted and latched onto his back. Isaac stopped resisting once a familiar scent registered in his groggy mind. Yep, he definitely needed to get some sleep. Most of the night was already gone and if he wanted to be able to function tomorrow in school, he needed some serious sleep. Now.

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