Chapter twelve

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***Hey guys, here's another chapter ready. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think, vote and follow me. It'll try and post another chapter soon. Many more ideas to come ;)***

The witch carried fire.

Evonne's finger remained loosely trailing the spine of Sigmund Freud's book – something about dreams – as she peered around the passageway of books. Through the cracks of shelves, a faint reddish glow sprouted from one corner of the library.

"How about this?" Abby exclaimed holding up another one of Freud's book. There was a weary, almost hesitant glint in her eyes as she stared down at the book worriedly, as if it was the worst one to choose.

Evonne pulled the book about dreams free from its constraint on the shelf. "Mechanisms of defence. No clue what that is."

Abby glanced at the book in dismay. "Neither. So no?"

Evonne shook her head and took a swig of the coffee in her hand. She overslept and missed breakfast. Coffee would have to do until lunch, but considering the first bell would ring shortly, she didn't think she could hold off until later to eat something. "I wouldn't." She wiggled the book in her own hands. "Dream psychology seems to be a safe bet, don't you think?"

With a scowl, Abby shoved her book back into the aisle. "Can we both do our reports on dreams?"

Evonne shrugged and grabbed another nearby book. It was almost identical to the one she claimed as her own. "I don't see why not." Ms. Wallace never said the reports had to be creative or distinctive from anyone else. Just a report on one of Freud's theories. That's all.

The glow grew brighter and Evonne craned her neck for a better look. A girl she vaguely recognised from Spanish – she thought her name was Lisa or Linda or something like that – stood chatting with another, completely unfamiliar, girl. The girl – whatever her name was – stood leaning against an aisle of books, a bright ball of fire rolling between her fingers. Sparks flew off in all directions, causing Evonne's worry to increase. Surly she wouldn't send the library up in flames.

"Dreams," Abby finally decided, completely unflustered from the display of magic a few feet away. She tucked her new library book under her arms. "Now can we go? The bells about to ring."

Evonne gave the witch one last look before she followed Abby back through the rows of books and up to the counter. As she waited for the middle-aged librarian – who had some awesome tattoos crawling up her neck – Evonne mostly listened as Abby chatted.

Abby was good at talking, Evonne couldn't help but notice. She was much more assertive than Evonne was, but that was probably for the better. As she followed Abby out into the halls, she noticed the librarian's tattoos start to move. Evonne couldn't help but blink as the vines along one side sprouted a few more thorns. Then a rose grew.

Okay. So, maybe not ordinary tattoos. Either created with magic or a physical characteristic of some kind of supernatural creature. Evonne couldn't be sure but thought it would be rude to stare or ask questions.

Down the hall, Sam joined them. He looked slightly more rugged today. His eyes a little sunken, but they did brighten as Evonne and Abby appeared and walked with him.

"Tired?" Evonne asked.

Sam shrugged. "A little, I guess." He offered no more insight and Evonne didn't pry.

Instead, Abby had much more interesting gossip.

"There's gonna be a party," she said. "Saturday. In the woods." She nodded at Evonne. She probably thought Evonne would need more convincing. "We're all going."

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