Chapter 9

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Moving in with Eric wasn't what I expected it would be. Despite the way he portrays himself at school, he's unusually clean, tidy and organized. And he'd been making us breakfast every day for the last month that I had been staying with him.

My mom mostly gave up on getting me to move back in after the first week. If I'm honest she almost seemed relieved that I wasn't keeping my gayness in the house. I was more upset about it than I wanted to be if I'm honest. All I wanted was to go home like nothing happened, but the longer I was away the more guilty I felt about realizing how toxic my house was.

Eric and I had been tiptoeing around the subject of us still for all intents and purposes dating. Now that we lived together the whole school actually believed we were dating, well everyone but Stan, Kenny and Wendy, that is. I don't know it was strange, the longer we kept pretending the more I wished it wasn't pretend at all.

I was trying my best to be a good albeit fake boyfriend but Eric clearly must've had more practice than me, since he always found some way to prove that our relationship was real to anyone who didn't believe it. And I appreciated it because even though I'd never admit it my mom really was a crazy bitch, and if she found out I made this up, I am certain she'd kill me.

Thankfully it was Friday, only a small victory since as soon as school lets out, Eric and I are babysitting for my aunt Sarah. I was worried about it, because well, the twins really like Eric and he's mine. I mean, he's not mine but like, they're too young for him,. Yeah that's what I'm gonna go with.

God, being this close to Cartman was getting harder and harder. I think I have serious major feelings for him and I don't even know how to start to unpack that in any way. So instead I dragged myself to school, where Eric insisted on driving us, because and I quote here, "no handsome boyfriend of mine will be caught dead taking the bus while I have a license." Which honestly made me like him more.

I don't think I ever realized how much I wanted someone to care for me as opposed to having to take care of everyone else. I mean, Eric cleaned up when I made dinner, he would check on me in between classes, he'd make sure my blood sugar wasn't low. Little things that might not matter to other people but made a world of difference to me.

I paid absolutely no attention to school all day, just fretting about babysitting later. I somehow managed to hold it together until the last bell rang. Eric met me outside my last class ready to drive us home.

"Alright babe, you ready to get outta here so we can go babysit your cousins?" Eric asked

"Yeah we better get going aunt Sarah will kill us if we're late, they haven't had a date night in like a year." I replied

"Oh my god, why the hell not?" Eric asked

"They can't find a sitter that both twins like, aunt Sarah says they throw tantrums with new and unknown people."

"And they don't punish them?" Eric asked genuinely

"They had an issue with a previous sitter trying to kidnap the twins when they were two so, they just fire whatever sitter the twins don't like and try someone else." I answered

"Is that why she wants us to babysit? Because the twins warmed up to me so fast?"

"I think so. If I'm honest I've never seen them warm up to any stranger so fast."

"Well, what can I say?" Eric spoke loudly as we left the building, "I'm charming enough to get you to date me so, I must do something right."

I blushed but mumbled, "whatever," in response.

We drove to my aunt Sarah's and listened to some music on the way. Thankfully we pulled into her driveway almost ten minutes early. The twins came running out of the front door as soon as Cartman pulled into the driveway.

We stopped the car and Eric was barely out of the door before Asher had jumped into his arms, with Caleb jumping into mine shortly after.

"You're here!" They shouted in tandem.

"Just like we said we'd be." Eric replied happily, carrying Asher like he was the weight of a doll.

"Come on, let's get inside, it's supposed to storm soon." I broke the silence carrying Caleb toward the door.

Aunt Sarah rushed us inside.

"Boys go upstairs and wash up for dinner."

"But mom—" Caleb started

"No, Eric and Kyle will be here when you're done, now go. The quicker you wash up the quicker you can play."

"Fine." Asher grumbled as Caleb pouted. We set both boys down and they sprinted up the stairs arguing about who could wash his hands first.

"Sorry about them, they're just so excited." Aunt Sarah apologized.

"It's alright! They're adorable!" Eric replied

"Thanks for agreeing to this, it's just so hard for them to play nice with any sitters."

"Anytime aunt Sarah, what is family for?"

"You're such a good kid Kyle, anyway, dinner is on the stove, the boys will eat now, but you two can eat whenever. Bedtime is 8:30, they will try to talk you into letting them stay up later, if they do it's okay, but try to get them to bed before 9:30 if you can, otherwise they'll be demons in the morning."

"Okay, sounds good. Anything else we need to know?" I asked

"Nope. Daniel and I should be home around 10, 11 at the latest, emergency numbers on the fridge, call if anything happens, otherwise we'll see you when we come back."

"Thanks aunt Sarah! Have fun!" I encouraged.

"I assure you we will." She replied

The boys came bounding down the stairs arguing about who gets which color plates.

"Bye boys, dad and I will be home after you're asleep okay? So you better be good for Kyle and Eric or they won't be able to play with you next time. You got it?" Sarah spoke

"Yes." Asher replied

"I got it." Caleb answered

Sarah kissed each boy on the head and walked out the door, Daniel following behind her.

We fed the boys dinner, and all through dinner they talked about playing Wild West games. It was going to be a long night from the looks of it, but if I'm honest I was grateful for the distraction from my thoughts and feelings.

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