Chapter 10

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The boys did not take it easy on us at all. I had hoped they'd distract me from my newfound or just now noticed feelings for Eric. Instead they somehow talked me into being a damsel in distress as Eric was meant to be saving me.
Well that is until Asher decided he wanted Eric and tried to duel with me over him.
"Asher, bud, you're very sweet but my heart is Kyle's and Kyle's alone."

"Awwww, are you sure? I'll share my cookies with you?"


"Eric!" I interjected.

"Kidding, I'm only kidding. I'm all yours babe." Eric winked at me.

I blushed and suddenly was feeling very warm.

"I like when you both babysit." Caleb declared, "it's so much fun." He and Asher both yawned.

"Come on, let's go get you ready for bed." I encouraged.

"Aww..." Asher yawned again.

"But we're not tired." Caleb whined.

"If you boys get ready for bed quickly I can tell you a super awesome Wild West bedtime story." Eric suggested.

That definitely got both boys attention.

"You promise?" They asked in unison

"Pinky promise." Eric said holding out both pinkies for the boys.

They pinkie promised and then rushed upstairs to change.

"You better brush your teeth boys!" I called after them.

Eric and I slowly followed after the boys. If I was honest my mind was still reeling with all the recent changes. I wanted desperately to ask Eric what we were doing, if any of it was real? It felt real I mean, could he really act that well?

The boys came out of the bathroom both dressed and ready for bed.

"Okay hop in bed, we'll turn down the lights and I'll tell you the best Wild West story ever told."

And to his credit he did tell them a somehow excellent family friendly Wild West story all about a boy and his horse, searching desperately for lost treasure and finding a whole different type of treasure along the way. As he finished telling the story both boys were fast asleep and we slowly stood up to leave.

We made are way back downstairs and sat at the table.

"Kyle, please eat, your blood sugar is going to get really low if you don't." Eric spoke softly, as if he was afraid to wake the twins.

"Mm okay." I mumbled back before eating some of the dinner aunt Sarah had made. I don't know how he noticed when my blood sugar was dropping but he was frequently right about it.

I ate quickly and watched as Eric also made himself a plate after washing up the boys dishes from earlier.

"Eric?" I asked without thinking, "what are we doing?"

"What do you mean? We're eating dinner?" He looked confused.

"No I mean, what are we doing together?" I gestured between us.

"I'm not sure I understand the question? What do you want to be doing together?" He asked looking hopeful.

"I.. ummm.... I don't—-" before I could finish talking the door opened and aunt Sarah was back.

"Hey, how'd it go? Where are the twins?" She asked.

"Upstairs in bed, hopefully still asleep." Eric replied

"Really? It's only nine! How on earth did you manage that?" She looked shocked

"Oh we told them a very nice bedtime story to help them sleep." Eric mentioned.

"Oh thank you both so much! Here." She held out money toward Eric and I.

"Oh we couldn't possibly take your money it was truly our pleasure."

"Oh please you must!" She begged, "it's been so long since we got to go out and it was so fun! Plus you got both boys asleep at their bedtime and that's never happened before."

"Okay." I said reluctantly and took the cash she offered, "thank you aunt Sarah."

"No thank you both! Would you be willing to babysit again in the future?" She asked

Eric replied faster than I could, "oh absolutely, Asher and Caleb are both so fun and at such a creative and explorative age!"

"Well, I better let you both go, it's getting late for my husband and I."

"Good night aunt Sarah." I stood and grabbed Eric's hand before moving toward the door.

"Have a good rest of your night boys!" She called after us.

"I'm kind of obsessed with your cousins Kyle. They are much cooler than your other cousin Kyle one."

"Oh my god don't start with calling me Kyle two again." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine fine, Jew whatever you want." His tone held no bite and he smiled at me.

I felt butterflies in my stomach again and thought back to earlier when I asked him what we were doing. Before thinking about it I smashed my lips into his, wanting desperately to have any excuse for my actions.

He kissed me back matching my intensity before we both ran out of breath. Eric pulled out of the driveway after that without saying anything. I wanted to say the right thing but couldn't get my mouth to cooperate. It was official, I was in love with Eric. I couldn't deny it now even if I wanted to. Not after I kissed him, not for any plausible reason but just because I wanted to. I wanted him near me, with me at all times. Well, I guess I've officially ruined my life.

As soon as Eric parked I shot out of the car and into the house desperate to get any type of grip on my feelings. It wasn't even ten minutes later before Eric knocked on my door.

"Hey." He spoke through the door, "can we talk?"

I opened the door trying to say anything but none of my body wanted to cooperate with my brains instructions.

"I am sorry." I finally landed on

Eric just looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"We're still trying to convince everyone we're dating so kissing me in front of your aunts husband was probably a good idea, maybe just warn me next time?" Eric asked

"Oh um yeah sure thing." I replied

"Cool. I'm gonna go to bed now. See ya in the morning jew."

"You know you're not supposed to call me that anymore fatass."

"Whatever you say babe." He winked at me before walking upstairs to his room.

I am so unbelievably fucked.

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