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I watch as Ryan hold Giovanni tightly and I cannot help but wish it was me out there comforting her instead of him.

I felt as if I had a chance to the one she looked at the way she looked at Giovanni the night her and I shared from when she first arrived. The ice cream, the talk that night in the kitchen and that moment overall.

I feel as if we weren't the same after we found out Giovanni was missing. She was distant towards me and I couldn't blame her.

Oliver and I aren't like Giovanni. Despite having what we want right in front of us, we do nothing, we — did nothing.

We've always been like that. Following orders. Following rules. Listening to our father. However despite what Giovanni weren't through, he wasn't afraid to go after what he wanted.

I wasn't jealous, or upset.
I just wished it was me.

Footsteps approach behind me and I turn away from the glass door to see my uncle leaning against the door frame at a distance.

"It's slowly killing you, isn't it?" He questions.


I knew exactly what he was going to say, of course I know. "Are you starting to see the reason why I was against you all having feelings for her now?" He asks sounding like a cocky asshole.

Although he didn't say it, he just wanted someone, anyone to tell him that he was right. I was not going to be that person.

My silence allowed him to continue, "You know you're father and I were like that at once. In love with the same woman. The same woman neither of us deserved to have." He confesses looking outside the window.

My body tensed up knowing exactly who that woman he was referring too was. "Despite what the girl tries to convince herself of, you can always love more than one person, but the truth is you can't be in love with more than one person." He states.

I chuckled humorlessly, unsure of what he was trying to give me relationship advice. "I'm aware of that uncle...." I trail off.

"I don't think you are, boy."

"Of course, I am. I've known for a while that there is a place in her heart that Giovanni can touch but I can't." I say causing him to break eye contact with me.

He shakes in head in disbelief, "Then I must ask you... why do you torture yourself this way? Why do you and you brother act as if you don't know the truth?" He asks me.

His words cause me to face the window where Giovanni was hugging Ryan still, and I looked beyond that.

Beyond Giovanni having her in a way I couldn't. Beyond a way others besides the four of us couldn't possibly understand.

Loving her isn't something anyone of us expected. It's almost like loving was the same a breathing, is it a involuntary action that we cannot stop or control.

Because maybe, I was okay with it being this way. Even if I couldn't have all of her, I was still okay with having part of her.

That was enough for me.

"The same reason why you did...." I trail off and he remains silent as my words probably sent him into deep thoughts over someone who is a memory to the both of us.

I turn and face him.

"That's completely different. I stop loving your mother for the sak..." I cut him off before finishing his ridiculous words.

"I am not child, Uncle. You did not stop anything." I let him know seriously and looks at me as I offended him.

My father and him loved my mother dearly, almost in the same way my brothers and I loved Ryan. The difference is my mother almost caused a drift in the relationship of him and my uncle.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now