HeadCannons? Yo- pog-

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you read that right. aight let's start-


Okay, Let's be honest- he would definitely listen to Disney songs- well- HC! (Hermit Craft) Scar would-  however LS! (Life series) would not! But seriously LS! scar would listen to specific people like Twenty One Pilots, Glass Animals, Lemon Demon, Mother Mother, Rio Romeo, Lana del Ray, Mitski, Marina, Obviously The Crane Wives, and maybe a little bit of Love Joy- HEAR ME OUT

Honestly, this is another Head cannon- I have this feeling that Scar heard about LoveJoy from MCC  and the people whom he was placed with or teamed w, the reasoning being, that Tommyinnit is pretty proud of his brother being a singer in a band so he would obviously brag abt it, And Scar happened to be In a Team W tommy once so Toms told Scar ALL about love Joy and showed him their songs.

He is Scared of fire If you ask why, I will be making a one-shot of his past on WHY he's scared and WHY he has the scars. But I'll put it short, he's scared of fires because that's how he got most of his scars.

he is a half-Elf half-cat and half-Vex hybrid :).

HC! Scar and HC! Grian are married. (This is a scarian oneshot book, what did you expect?) But the thing is, while they are in the Life Games they remember Nothing about HC! or any other SMP'S ( just the LS! and a bit of MCC considering it's not an SMP but a championship) But for some reason, while they are in the LS! they seem to have a rather strong connection and seem to go back to each other (Almost) every time.

When BTW!SCAR Logg's in, GTW!SCAR has to log out immediately no matter what is happening considering Bwts! is literally him. meaning they cannot be on at the same time.

Scar is an Artistic person- The reason is that when he was younger he loved to paint, and when he makes his builds he HAS to make a blueprint, and when he's bored he paints pictures of Jellie or Grian.

He Loves to sing to grian and His pet cat Jellie ❤ (To Grian he will sing mainly love songs)

Scar can play the ocarina :)

In HC! ( hermitcraft) Scar is a cannibal- (I've seen this one before so I decided to add it cuz I find it interesting ). Normally he has a pacifier in his mouth or a flower so he doesn't eat everything- The hermits or other players he's with do this so like I said- he doesn't eat everything. And if he wants to eat something he has to ask for permission.

As a vex he and Cub get "Hungry" once every month and usually Cub gets help from Doc or X and gets a potion. Meanwhile, Grian allows Scar to feed on him (Literally eat him) Because Grian has a rather high pain tolerance compared to the other hermits

He likes to knit things, ( fun fact: he knitted grians red sweater for him )

Sometimes in the life series, he eats his meat raw due to him being a vex and since he is a cannibal in HC!

He is pansexual :)

Sometimes Scar likes to cross-dress for fun and tease grian while doing so

that's all I can think of for now :) I will probably add more to this later but enjoy ig XD

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