Ch 1: Trip to Tokyo

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Name: L/N Y/N  

Age: 14 years

You live with your parents in Kyoto ( a city in Japan )

Ur father often used to go to different countries and cities because of his business trips.
This time he was going to Tokyo when u insisted that u also wanted to go as ur summer vacations were going on.

Y/N's pov-

"Dad plsss i also want to go with u, pretty PLSSSS"

DAD: But why so suddenly? U never ask me to take u with me.

Y/N: Dad, ik that i barely even ask u but this time i really wanna go. I have seen in many dramas that they visit Tokyo and its a really beautiful place. I atleast wanna go there once.

DAD: Fine, u can come too.

Y/N: Yahhhhhh!!!

U packed all ur stuff as ur flight was tomorrow morning.

Y/N: Mommmmm!!!

MOM: What happened, why are u screaming so loudly?

Y/N: Mom, i can't find my sunglasses. Where are they?

MOM: Ufff.... Y/N u were literally wearing them like 1 hour ago and roaming all around the house saying that u r finally going to Tokyo.

Ik it's weird to wear sunglasses in the house , but as Y/N was really excited , so to show her excitement she wore her sunglasses while roaming all around the house.

Y/N: Ohhhh yahhh , now I remember I kept them on my study table.

 MOM: So now go and pack them in ur bag too and DON'T DISTURB ME , I ALSO HAVE TO PACK MY STUFF!

Btw ur mom was going to Tokyo too , with u and ur father.

She closed the door really hardly which told u that she was really angry.

Tomorrow Morning-

Ur plane finally took off and u reached Tokyo in about 2 hours

Y/N: Yahhhh! I have finally reached TOKYOOOO......

MOM: Y/NNN don't scream that loudly.

Y/N: Ohh! sorry mom.

MOM: It's fine.

DAD: Now we have to go to the hotel , let me call the taxi.

U and ur parents both sat in the taxi and arrived the hotel.

Y/N: WOW! it is a really nice and big hotel.

DAD: Ik, that's why i have booked it. Now lets go to the rooms and fresh up.

All of u went to their rooms and freshened up.

It was almost 10am.
U and ur parents decide to visit a mall in Tokyo as Tokyo has a really good collection of Japanese clothes and stuff.

At the mall-

Y/N: Mom-Dad I am really hungry .

DAD: OK Then! there is a food stall u can go and buy anything u want.


As u were really hungry and excited as well to try Tokyo's food. U ran towards the stall really fast.
While u were running u suddenly bumped into someone and as u saw him ur nose was almost going to bleed. He was reallyyy handsomeee. U were just staring at him.

???: Umm....Is there something on my face.

Y/N: Yes, beauty *U mumbled* 

???: Ummm....Did u say anything?

Y/N: Oh-hh n-no. I just said that there is nothing on ur face.

???: Ok then.

Then u suddenly remembered that u had to buy food.
U rushed towards the stall, but ur mind was still thinking about him.

At the stall-

Y/N: Hello! Can I pls get some ...U-mmm

U were really confused what to get as all the dishes there looked amazing. 

Then u finally decide to get some Sushi.

Y/N: Can I pls get some Sushi?

Shopkeeper: Ofc!

Y/N: Thank u! 

U sat on a near by table while waiting for ur order.

Ur order finally came. U also called ur parents to eat with u as they were hungry too.

U all explored Tokyo more and rushed towards ur hotel.

It was almost  9pm. IK that how someone literally explore the city for like the whole day but YK when its ur favourite city who cares about the time.

Ur parents were really tired so freshened up and slept fast while when u got to bed u were tired too but u couldn't sleep as u were thinking about the guy u bumped in at the mall.
Lets skip a little and lets just say that its almost 1am and u r still not able to sleep
U decide to sneak out of ur room and go to the hotel's garden to get some fresh air.

U were just sitting on the grass looking at the beautiful sky.

U were just sitting on the grass looking at the beautiful sky

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 Suddenly u felt someone tapping on ur shoulder.





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