Ch 4: Who is that guy?

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Tanjiro: INOSUKE!!! Just sit back down . CAN'T U SEE Y/N IS HERE. Atleast let her meet everyone.

Inosuke: Like I care!!

While everyone were shouting here and there, u were just trying to remember that where did u say that guy. Suddenly u remembered that at the mall u saw that guy. But u were still not sure that if it was him he was facing backwards, so u decide to ask tanjiro that who is he?

Y/N: Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Yes?

Y/N: Who is that guy standing at the balcony ?

Tanjiro: Ohh ! Do u mean Muichiro?

Y/N: Muichiro? 

Tanjiro: Yea that's his name. You wanna meet him?

Y/N: Sure!

Then you and Tanjiro both went to the balcony. 

Tanjiro: Hey Muichiro! 

Muichiro was not responding as he was wearing earphones. 
Then Tanjiro tapped on his shoulder and Muichiro turns.

Muichiro: Ummm....yes? 

Tanjiro: Muichiro, there's someone who wants to meet you.

Muichiro: Who?

Then you suddenly come out as u were standing behind Tanjiro .

Tanjiro: Y/NNNNN!!! 

He excitedly shouts your name while pointing at you.

Y/N: Umm hi.

Muichiro was blank and was not saying anything.

Y/N: (Whispering to Tanjiro) Did I do anything wrong?

Tanjiro: Why are u asking that?

Y/N: Nothing! Just because Muichiro was not saying anything thats why I thought  that maybe I have done anything wrong.

Tanjiro starts laughing.


Tanjiro: Nothinggg!! And yah u haven't done anything wrong. Muichiro is always like that when he talks to someone new, but when u get to know him, he is really sweet and kind.

Y/N: Oh! Well thats fine.

Y/N: So umm Muichiro....

U were actually about to ask him if he remembered u... as u met at the mall.

Y/N: Nvm.

But u eventually stop as it will be really weird if u ask him that suddenly out of no where.

U just grab Tanjiro's hand and take him out of the balcony.

Tanjiro: Y/N! What happened? Why did u took me out of the balcony?

Y/N: Nothing! It was just really awkward there. Thats why.

Tanjiro: Oh! Nvm.

Eventually u started hanging out with tanjiro and his friends,
All of them because ur really good and close friends.
Specially Nezuko and Kanao became ur BFF.

U felt really comfortable around them.
But still a little awkward around Muichiro.
But eventually u became close with him too.

And soon u realized that u were falling for him. As much as u got to know him, as hard as u fall for him.

U were going to stay there for a month as ur vacations were going on.
They all helped u to explore the city.
U tried different kinds of clothes, famous dishes of Tokyo and did many more exciting things.

After a month, It was finally ur time to go.

Everyone were really sad.
They all came to drop u at the airport.

At the airport~~~~

Y/N: So now its finally my time to go.
I really thank u all for always being at my side.
I love u all.

All of them: Us tooo!!

U all were really teary as tears were coming out of ur eyes.

They all hugged u.

But suddenly u noticed that Muichiro was not there.

Y/N: Where's Muichiro?

Tanjiro: I asked him to come with us,  but he denied.

U were a little sad.

After that, u all decided to stay in touch.

When all of them left.

U were just waiting at the waiting lobby with ur parents, for the plane to arrive.
There was still around an hour left.

Y/N: Mom-Dad I am going to the washroom.

As u were on ur way, suddenly someone pulls u aside at a corner.








HAVE A NICE DAY ( ͡> ͜ʖ ͡<)

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