Ch 8: First day of school.

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It has almost been 1 week since you came to Kyoto. It was Sunday and ur school was starting from tomorrow. U were done with all of ur projects. The time was exactly 9pm when you checked your phone. U got changed into you pajamas, brushed ur teeth, packed ur bag, set up an alarm on ur phone for 6am in the morning and went to bed. THE NEXT MORNING u woke up by hearing ur phone buzzing again and again it was 6:5 am. Ur phone was buzzing from straight 5 minutes.U woke up, got ready for school, ate ur breakfast and went to the bus stop. While you were waiting for the bus to come, u checked ur phone to see if u have any new notifications or messages. While checking it a new notification popped up on ur phone. IT WAS BY MUICHIRO.]

Muichiro: HI! GOOD MORNING! are you ready for the new day of ur school?

(I forgot to mention that u told Muichiro about ur schooling starting from tomorrow and timings and stuff.)

Y/N: Oh yeah! I am ready i'm just waiting at the bus stop

Muichiro: Sameee! 

(Bus arrives)

Y/N: Sorry gotta go, my bus has arrived.

Muichiro: Ok! Byee!

Y/N: Sayonara!

Muichiro: Have a nice school day!

Y/N: Same to you!

(You enter the bus, trying to find an empty seat when you spot one at the back. You go towards it and sit there while  looking out of the window. While you were just zoning out, suddenly you feel a small tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see a girl of your age and you immediately recognised the face. IT WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND YUKI! *U can also change the name if u want*)

Yuki: Hi girlllllll! wassuppp! Where have u been all summer?

Y/N: Hiii! Sit down i want to tell u everything about my summer vacation. (U said it with excitement popping up in ur eyes.)

Yuki: Can't wait to hear it!

( U told Yuki all about ur summer like u went to Tokyo and met Tanjiro and his gang *ohk ik gang sounds a bit weird but come onnn it sounds cool at the same time.* U also told her how did u met Muichiro and all about the food and clothes of Tokyo. U were really hyped up while telling all those things and by really I MEAN LIKE REALLYYYYY HYPEDD UPPPP.)

Yuki: OMGGGG! THAT IS SOOO COOLLLLL. I wish i could've gone to Tokyo with u.



Y/N: At ur unluckiness and my luckiness.

Yuki: Well its not funny.

Y/N: Suree! (U said in a sarcastic way) So what did u do in ur summer vacations.

Yuki: Nothing except just sitting at home and trying to play with my little cousins cause my mom forced me to do it. Its not like i wanted to but i had to. 

Y/N: Ur little cousins?

Yuki: Yeah...(She said with a sigh) They came at my home with uncle and aunty during the vacations. Trust me THEY ARE THE MOST ANNOYING KIDS I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY WHOLE LIFE OF 14 YEARS.

Y/N: Bad luck. (U said while giggling a bit.)

(While u guys were just talking about random things. Ur school arrived and both got off the bus. As u both were in the same class, u sat beside each other. The school day was just like a normal day nothing new or exciting except meeting ur friends again after a whole month.)







(✿ ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

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