Assassination of Watts Part 2

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(I do not take credit for these chapters at all)


Ares walks the halls of Atlas recieving looks of recognition for the deeds he's done on the battlefield until he comes across the ACE ops

Harriet:where were you after the battle Ares?

Ares:Helping my friends

Harriet:ah so not only are you a deserter, you're a traitor too ,you and your friend


Harriet did you not hear the order to return to base?

Ares:I don't have time for this

Ares pushes past Harriet and the rest of ACE ops. The ACE ops ready their weapons.

Harriet:perhaps you didn't hear me you are charged with desertion and conspiring with enemies of the state. The punishment for that is death choose your next actions very carefully you will not get a second chance

Ares sighed.

Ares:fine I give up

Ares raises his arms in the air, harriet moves in to detain but fireflies swarm her an the ACE ops burning their aura away, but vine creates a bubble around himself with his semblance, Ares dashes towards him sword drawn and slices at the side of his stomach with a fluid motion and finishes off his aura with lycus' shotgun. They all fall to the ground unconscious. And the fire alarm starts blaring throughout the building

Ares: shit I drew too much attention to myself gotta find a..... aha a vent

Ares jumps up into the vent above him and starts hacking into the security cameras.

Ares: where are you watts.....

After flipping from camera to camera he finally sees it.

Ares:there you are behind that heavily guarded door ,should be easy to hack into, he crawls through the labyrinth of the vents he gets out near the door which is guarded by some beefed up paladins.

Ares walks towards them quickly forging a high level access key to get past them

Ares:paladins you're needed on the front lines

Paladin:on whos directive?

Ares:mine, Major Ares Iron

Paladin:I have no recollection of you major may I see your ID?


Paladin:credentials required

Ares:I will not tolerate this insubordination, you have your orders paladin

Paladin:credentials required

He sighed again.


Paladin:credentials approved, I apologise major

Ares:now go you have your orders

The paladins vacate the area in an orderly fashion jogging to the end of the hall for Watts


Ares uses the forged ID to open the door and walk inside. Looking in the room at first glance it's almost pitch black save for the monitors but a dark figure stood in the centre of the room

Watts:I knew you'd come my boy


Watts:long time no see, how have you been?

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