Chapter 2

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“Here is your room,” Isabel opened the wooden door to reveal another elegant room that looked a lot like hers. All handcrafted wooden furniture, a lavish bedspread, gilded walls. You couldn’t lie that while you were a tad bit angry that you were being forced to stay here, it was the nicest luxury you’d ever known.

“Before you get comfortable, Alec is going to run you to your apartment so that you can pick up your things. And you cat,” she laughed softly, putting her hand on your back again to lead you out of your new room.

“Why can’t *you* take me?” You used your best puppy eyes on her, only to make the dark haired woman laugh yet again.

“Because *I* have a hot date in five minutes. He’s a fairy.” She must have known that I’d get a rise out of the fact that she just acknowledged that fairies are real.

“Wait—fairy’s? Like the Grimm’s fairytale ones?”
“Oh no, they’re like men, but with pointy ears and big, long—“

“Izzy, that’s enough,” Alec rolled his eyes at her almost-crude remark. He turned to me.

“Ignore her. Come on,” he grabbed my wrist nearly making me trip on my own feet as he drug me along with him.

“Have fun!” Isabel called after us.

We were soon outside of the institute, and I wanted to bombard the guy with questions.

“So why the f—“

“Mundane, I’m invisible. If you start talking to me out here in front of all of these peoples, you’re going to look like you’re insane. So zip it before we get to your apartment.”

“But wait, don’t you need my address?” I was confused, he’d turned the right way to go to my home and everything.

“I already know,” he said as though it was obvious that he pretty much did an in-depth background check on me.

“Stalker,” I grumbled, actually getting a soft, airy laugh out of the tall man.

About ten more minutes of silence endured until we finally got to my old beat up apartment.

“Well. This is is,” my cheeks blushed, embarrassed. Alec and the others all lived in such a fancy place. He must have thought my place was a dump.

As soon as I opened the door, Simba, my cat was there to greet me.

“Simbiesss!” I picked up the rather plump tabby, kissing him and scratching him behind the ears. He jumped down from my arms. Going to Alex’s leg and rubbing up next to it.

“What the hell, Simba? What a traitor,” I shook my head in disbelief. Alec reached down, giving him endless pets.

“I love cats,” he stated.

“No shit,” I replied sarcastically, earning a look of warning from Alec.

“Alright, get your necessities.”

I ran to my room, throwing pajamas, shirts, jeans, leggings, bras, and underwear into a suitcase, all while Alec kept petting Simba.

I remembered my safe that I kept on top of the kitchen cabinet, and tried to reach it. *Dammit.* I had normally used a step stool, but I had no idea where it was. After some more struggling, Alec finally pushed me out of the way.

Effortlessly, and of course all while staring at me in a cocky manner, he retrieved my safe.

“Must be nice,” I fake pouted. He made a fake sad at me in return.

“Aw, poor thing.” I didn’t know why, but even that fake look of sympathy and that soft tone from Alec made me want to kiss him. Before I could ponder it any longer, I snatched the safe from him harshly.

“You’re welcome, Y/N. You’re welcome.”

I finished grabbing the last of my things as Alec helped me get them. I didn’t realize how heavy I’d packed a couple bags, so he got them for me. Plus, it was nice to see his muscles ripple. *Dammit.*

The walk back to the institute was silent, with an occasional low chuckle from Alec as he found it amusing to watch me struggle with a particularly difficult to pull suitcase.

When we arrived, it was just me, Alec, a red haired and blonde haired shadow Hunter.

“Y/N, this is Clary and Jace,” he said on the way of going upstairs to put my things in my room. I waved awkwardly at them as Jace nodded and Clary smiled at me.

To escape the awkwardness, I ran upstairs as fast as I could, storming past Alec and throwing my things on the floor. I practically ran to me bed, crashing down on it in exhaustion.

Alec looked my way, crossing his arms. “Maybe if you weren’t out of shape, that simple trip would have been easier.”

*Ouch*. Your size had always been a sensitive spot. From being bullied in school, remarks from family members, past boyfriends. You didn’t know you were crying until you felt a salty tear drop escape past your lips.

“Y/N—“ Alec walked over to you, putting a hand on your arm soothingly. I shrugged him off, hiding my face and sobbing more. *Fuck*, I looked like such a sensitive girl right now.

“Hey, please look at me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. You’re beautiful,” he said, rubbing your arm more.

“You’re fucking l-lying,” you mumbled, still not looking at him.

What he did next shocked you. He got on top of you in a flash, pinning your arms down to your sides as he leaned over you.

“I’m not lying. You’re gorgeous…” his eyes dropped to your lips, and just as quickly back up to your eyes.
Suddenly, he was off of you. He backed up slowly, as if a million thoughts raced through his mind as he walked out, shutting your door behind him and leaving you alone.

What the hell just happened? Did your breath smell bad or something? Did he realize what he was doing?
Nonetheless, he left you on your bed, head in your hands as you only sobbed harder.

You must have passed out, because you woke up to feel Izzy shaking you gently.

“Y/N, hey. Alec told me what happened, he really is sorry. He didn’t mean it, are you okay honey?” She pushed your hair out of your face, and your eyebrows crumpled together.

“I fucking hate him,” you spat, Isabel’s eyes widening. You could have sworn that behind the cracked door, you caught a glimpse of sudden movement upon saying those four words.

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