chapter 4

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Read chapter 3 here
Since yesterday when Alec had kissed you and risked everything, you were still in shock. Why would he do that? I mean, you'd seen things like that happen in romantic movies, sure. But real life? Who were you kidding. You just found out that vampires, demons, fairies, and werewolves were real the other day. You hadn't ever heard of shadowhunters, though.
You picked at the bandage on your hand as you watched Isabelle do her makeup in the mirror.
"So, my brother is totally head over heels for you, like I said. How are you feeling about the whole situation?" She asked, getting her mascara out of her makeup bag.
You shrugged your shoulders. "It just doesn't even feel real. I mean, since the first time I saw him I felt something. I know he did too ... I just can't believe it. It feels too good to be true."
"Oh Y/N. Sweet, sweet Y/N. You have no clue about true love, do you?" She tutted, smacking her lips after applying here signature ruby red lipstick.
"True love? Honestly, I didn't even believe in it. I though it was a fairytale along with everything else in your world," you admitted, causing Isabelle to laugh.
"Well you better believe it. Few are lucky enough to experience it so young," she drifted off and became background noise as you replayed the kiss between you and Alec in your head over and over again. You suddenly heard a knock at the door, waking you from your daydream.
"Izzy, is Y/N with you?" You instantly recognized it to be Alec, his deep, serious voice painfully obvious in identifying who it was.
"Come innn," she replied in a singsong voice, looking at me and attacking me with a little lipgloss before he pushed open the door. You rolled your eyes at her prideful face. You smacked the lipstick and watched as the tall, dark, and handsome man came in.
"If I'm not stealing her away from you, I'd like to talk to Y/N in private," he took your hand, standing you up beside him.
"Run along, lovebirds", she smiled. "AND USE PROTECTION!" You and Alec both blushed a deep shade of pink, pretending you didn't hear her say that somehow.
He brought you to what you only presumed to be his bedroom, opening the door and mumbling a faint "after you". Unsurprisingly, his bedroom was simple yet luxury. He pointed to his bed, sitting beside you.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" You pondered. His answer was not one composed of thoughts and sentences, but was one of physical nature as he slammed his lips into yours. You kissed back just as feverishly, loving how he tasted on your mouth.
The way he groaned deeply into the kiss had you clenching your thighs together, growing hungry for him in other places. You pulled back, lips separating.
"Alec I-I'm not ready, for ... That," you hope he understood what you meant. Judging by the softened look to his eyes and the soft, reassuring smile, he did.
"Y/N, I understand. I don't ever want you to feel uncomfortable. I will wait for you, however long it takes," he took your hands in his. "It's just, I've never wanted someone so badly."
You gulped, your cheeks blushing. "Me too, I ..." You couldn't get your words out. He was so dazzling.
"I know, baby. I know," he held your face in his hands, rubbing the length of his nose down yours. "Also, we've found something. That's what I was going to talk to you about."
"What do you mean?" Your eyes widened, wondering what on earth he meant.
"You ... Did you know your uncle was a Shadowhunter?" Your throat tightened. What?
"I didn't know I had an uncle. Wha-how would that make a difference?"
"It means you have Angel blood. That's why you can see us. It's rare, but it's not unheard of. We're doing more digging."
"What was his name?" You asked.
"Norman Herondale, and according to my mother and father, he was a good friend of theirs."
"Was? What happened to him?" You were appalled, all of this becoming too much. You hadn't ever ever met your dad. Did that mean he was one too?
"We don't know. He sort of fell off the face of the Earth around the time you were born. Your father was only half Shadowhunter." He explained, understanding that the topic was rather touchy.
"My dad left around the time I was born too. My mother told me he got another family." Alec calmly reached out to me, and I fell into his arms.
"Shh, we're going to figure this out, I promise," he said softly. "The first thing we're going to do is see if you can use a stele on yourself. It's not my idea, but the Clave said that's the first step. It will kill Mundanes, but it won't kill you since you have Angel blood, I promise. I wouldn't ever let anything happen to you, Y/N." He squeezed the tops of your arms in a comforting way, staring into my eyes like the first time we'd ever seen each other.
"I trust you, Alec," you kissed him on the cheek, snuggling into his neck. "When do we start?"
"Thank you for trusting me. The Clave wants to start now." You tensed, nodding your head. The door to his room suddenly opened, and some lady stood there. She looked rather uptight, looking down her nose at us.
"Y/N L/N, I am the inquisitor. I trust Alec Lightwood has informed you of what is about to happen."
"Yes, he has. And I agree."
"Good, then we will start now with a simple strength rune," she pulled out her stele calmly, coming up beside me. Alec grabbed one of my hands, squeezing it to reassure me that he was still there.
"This may burn a little," she said almost in a cruel way as she pressed the tip of the stele against your arm.
"Ah!" You screamed out, the searing pain being even more painful than you'd anticipated.
"It's okay, you're going to be okay. Stay with me," Alec shushed me, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. Tears slid down my cheeks, the pain was the worst I'd ever felt.
All I remember was hearing him yell my name as I blacked out.

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