Chapter 3

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Read chapter 2 here
Warning(s): Alex x fem!reader (don’t like? Don’t read or comment), reader cuts hand (accidentally), Alec disobeys his parents
You awoke to the sun bleeding through your curtains, lighting up your room. Your head was pounding from crying all night, and you were probably pretty dehydrated. You got out of bed, a hand on your forehead as you felt dizzy.
Walking out of your room, you headed downstairs for breakfast. You didn’t want to see Alec, but you were both thirsty and starving. It would be best to just ignore him, you thought.
As you predicted, there he was, already seated at the table and eating toast and eggs. He looked at you, you felt his eyes burning into the side of your head as you grabbed a glass from the cupboard. Without thinking, you dropped it, causing it to shatter all over the ground with a loud crash.
Fuck. Way to embarrass yourself. You didn’t dare look at Alec now as Izzy came into the room.
“Y/N! Are you okay?” She asked, though you ignored her as you reached down to pick up a large shard, only for you to cut your hand on it. You winced, the blood instantly dripping down your arm and onto the floor.
“Fucking hell!” You yelped. Alec was up now, coming up to you with a fabric napkin from the table. He looked at you, reaching for your hand. You looked right back at him, pain in your eyes as you pulled your arm away from him.
“Y/N, please. Let me help you,” he looked like a kicked puppy with those pleading pretty eyes.
“Y/N, Alec is right. Let him fix your hand. I’ll clean this up. Don’t worry about it,” she smiled reassuringly at you, a hand on your back. She always was good at comforting with such a simple touch.
“Fine, only because Izzy asked though,” you shot a glare at Alec, still angry at him for yesterdays insult towards you. He took your hand now, wrapping it in the cloth as he held onto it and dragged you off to the infirmary.
It was smaller than you’d expected for such a large building, and simple. Just plain metal beds and white pristine sheets, with neat medical equipment in boxes and drawers.
“Sit,” he pointed to the bed next to you. You did so, keeping your eyes on your hand as he grabbed some supplies. He pulled up a stool, sitting in front of you as he pulled your hand towards him, unwrapping the cloth that already bled through.
“I’m sorry, for yesterday. I didn’t mean it like that. It wasn’t a jab at your weight, but your strength and stamina. We’re constantly on the go, so going to get a couple suitcases is nothing for me,” he explained, using a cotton ball to soak up more blood.
“It still hurt, but I guess I forgive you. It’s just, I thought you meant it in that way. I was made fun of a lot and stuff by other people, so that’s what I thought you were doing to me, too.”
He suddenly grabbed your chin with his other hand so that you’d look at him. “I would never say anything like that to you. Ever. I think you’re beautiful …” His eyes drifted over you, and you swore you saw his pupils enlarge. “This may sting,” he warned as he dabbed your cut with hydrogen peroxide. It did sting, and you winced, sucking in air.
Alec quickly looked up at you. “I’m sorry, it will be over soon,” he tried to smile reassuringly. His eyes were on your lips again, and yours were on his. It seemed like time froze as his lips suddenly pressed against yours, melting into your own like soft, sweet butter. You couldn’t say how long the kiss lasted, but only that it was the most magical kiss you’d ever experienced. Your lips left his with a soft smack.
“I-I’m sorry, I—“ He stuttered, shaking his head. “I didn’t mean to do that. Dammit.”
“Alec, it’s fine. I … I wanted you to,” you admitted, your heart suddenly pumping ferociously as you awaited his answer.
“You did?” He asked, your reply a curt nod. “Y/N, I can’t … I’m going to be head of the institute, I’ve got too many responsibilities. I’m supposed to marry a Shadowhunter …” Your heart broke at his words. So you were a mistake. You tried to stand up, only for him to grab your waist like when you first met and you slipped, sitting you back down.
“You didn’t let me finish. I said I’m supposed to marry a Shadowhunter. Not that I’m saying we’re getting married—that would be crazy, we literally just met but—“
“I know what you’re saying,” you giggled. “Please, don’t risk anything for me. I’m just a mundane, and I thought I could be your enemy according to you?” You pondered, remembering why you were here in the first place.
“You’re not an enemy. I knew you weren’t since you slipped on the floor and I caught you. Since I saw you soaked in rain like a confused, adorable kitten,” he smiled softly, chuckling at his own words. “Y/N … I don’t know how you can see us, but you’re special somehow. I intend to find out, but I want you to stay either way. Will you?”
“I thought you told me I didn’t have a choice?” You countered.
“You will always have a choice. As long as I’m alive.” You didn’t understand. One moment, you were a suggested enemy, and now he was totally all over you? I mean, it’s not like you weren’t into him too. He was gorgeous, smart, and had the best dry sense of humor. You didn’t know what else to say, so you just pressed his lips against his this time.
Then you heard two pairs of shoes walking in the infirmary, stopping abruptly when you and Alec were in sight. Alec pulled away, looking at the two people with his eyes wide. It was a middle aged male and female, both looking as though someone betrayed them.
“Alec?! What the hell are you doing with that mundane?” The woman questioned, pointing an accusatory finger at us both.
“Mother, calm down,” Alec tried. So that was his mother, and presumably his father. You head another set of feet enter, seeing quickly that it was Izzy.
“Mom, dad. Please relax,” she pleased, trying to turn their attention to her.
“Our name is already tarnishing. You are going to ruin the Lightwood family name forever if you don’t say goodbye to that mundane girl this instant,” the woman spat, the man nodding in agreement.
“She’s just a girl, Alec. Let her go,” the man said, trying to urge him. Alec looked at me, his eyes heavy with emotion, then at his parents. He grabbed my uncut hand, squeezing it tight.
“No,” he simply stated to his parents.
“No? No?!” His mom shouted, storming towards us.
“Alec! Get away from her now.” He stood up, standing in front of me in a protective way.
“Did you not hear me right? I said no. All my life, I’ve lived for you. For the clave, to fix what you and dad messed up. Why should that be my job? I don’t want any of this. It’s not my dream. It’s yours,” he shouted at her defiantly, causing her to drop her jaw likely at his insolence. Without another word, she pulled her husband with her through some sort of portal as they vanished.
“Alec—why?” You asked, not understanding why he’d done such a thing. We’re you really more important than his responsibilities?
“I can’t lose you.”

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