chapter 7

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Waking up in no one less but Alec Lightwood's arms was like a dream come true. You quickly had found that Alec was chased by a lot of other Shadowhunter girls, desperate to marry him instead of their arranged marriage partners.
You were lucky. You didn't think you believed in true love before Alec, but since that moment you met him? You were nearly convinced now. It wasn't your typical falling in love at first sight, though. An arrow pointed in-between your eyes by the hottest 'man' you'd ever seen? No way.
Your daydreaming was interrupted when Alec moved his hand from your thigh to your waist, a low grumble coming from his throat.
"G'morning," his voice rasped, his dark lashes fluttering as he opened his beautiful eyes. You laughed softly, snuggling into him lovingly.
"Good morning, handsome," you complimented, causing him to blush. "I love it when you blush like-"
He shut you up by pressing his lips to yours, placing his hand over your mouth after to replace his lips. "Shush." You giggled, licking his hand and causing him to jerk it back. "Did you just lick me?!" He questioned hysterically.
Innocently, you shook your head.
"Yeah right. Get up, gorgeous. Training."
Training. You were learning quickly to despise that word, as it always meant sweating like an MMA player and getting your ass kicked like one, too.
"Keep going!" Jace and Alec, yes, both of them urged you on. You tried to do another squat, but instead just ended up falling on your ass. Jace cackled, Alec hitting him on the shoulder to make him stop as he hid his own laugh. He came up to you, offering his hand to pull you up.
"You know, I'm getting real tired-"
"Too bad," Alec interrupted. "You have to get stronger, Y/N. We've talked about this." He got serious, his face becoming that straight, unfaltering one that you first saw when you met him.
"Well maybe I don't want to do this. Ever think of that? Why can't I just do something that involves book smarts like, geez I don't know, become a Shadowhunter librarian? Why can't I skip all this bullshit training and-"
"This training is issued to all shadowhunters, Y/N. And guess what, one day this training might save your life. You just don't know anything about our world. You are constantly under watch by all kinds of beings that want to hurt you. So stop complaining and just deal with it."
"You're right. I don't know anything," you stated, your cheeks hot and tears threatening to spill from being reprimanded by the man you loved. Without another word, you turned and walked away, your stride long and quick as you went right out of the doors to the institute.
You ignored Alec's calls to you.
You had no idea where you were going-just that you were getting away from all of that. You knew Alec was just trying to help, but this was all too much. You felt weak. Ignorant. And just tired. You never thought you'd say that you missed your mundane life. If only Alec could be a part of your normal life, everything would be perfect. But you knew that was impossible. Associating with shadowhunters meant danger, pretty much. You could never really be safe again.
You crossed the street, heading the familiar way to your apartment. It looked as shitty and unrenovated as always. You walked up the sidewalk, coming to the gate. It was open, naturally, as everyone forgot to close it all the time. It was a tiny three building complex, so it didn't take long to arrive to your door. You didn't have your key anymore, so you crossed your fingers that it was open. Alas-it was not open. For once, management had done their job and kept vacant apartments locked. This was your breaking point as you slid down the door, tears spilling down your cheeks. Your arms were over your head, and you prayed to whatever god would listen that no one would find you like this.
"Hey there, little one," a deep and cunning voice called, footsteps virtually impossible to hear.
Your head shot up, looking at a very tall and pale, what you presumed to be, vampire. "Who are you? Stay away-"
"Now now, is that any way to treat a friend? Come now, I can make you feel all better," the vamp stepped towards you, stopping suddenly when an arrow shot at the speed of light into the vamp's shoulder.
"Get the hell away from her," a dangerously calm voice said. You looked up, sighting Alec with his bow drawn. He cocked a brow at you, through a relieved look was ever so present on his features.
"Ugh, Shadowhunter. I should have known. Always one to run our fun-"
Alec shot a warning glance at the vampire. "I said, get the hell away from her."
"Fine, I can see this meal has already been tainted anyways," his nostrils flared, and you unfortunately got what he meant. Even after your shower, he could smell Alec on you still.
Alec didn't react to what he said as the vamp scurried away. Instead, he dropped his bow and ran up to you, picking you up in his arms and pulling you into his embrace. "Never do that again. Y/N, I'm serious right now. Anything could have happened to you-it's too dangerous,"
"Alec! I'm fine. I'm sorry I was being stupid ..."
He pulled away, his look was now soft. "Come on, I'm taking you back home."
Your walk back to the institute was quiet, though Alec had your hand in his the entire way. It's like he was scared to let you go again.
When you walked in, Izzy, Jace, and Clary all stood there, a relieved look on their faces.
"Y/N, what the hell?" Izzy snapped, coming up to hug you.
"Seriously, I'm fine. I just went to my old apartment," you said, wanting to neglect the fact that you'd almost been attacked by a vamp.
Alec walked up. "She negates the fact that had I not been there, she would have been a vamp meal."
"What?" Jace and Clary both said at the same time, looking at Alec.
"This is exactly why you need to train," Jace said to you, ignoring Alec's sharp look to him.
You pulled out of Izzy's arms, turning to Jace. "Wow Jace, I'd have never fucking known that. Thanks for stating the obvious. Real brainiac here." For a moment, he looked pissed. Oh shit, you thought.
Then out of nowhere, everyone starts laughing like I'd said something funny or something. "Oh man, glad to have you around, Y/N", Jace said, his hand at his mouth.
You looked at Alec, a confused look on your face as you saw him laughing just as hard. He pulled you to him, putting his arm around your waist. "Oh Y/N. Never change," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Maybe you were really going to have to start taking training seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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