Chapter 1

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I wander around the mossy graves, looking for a particular one. A freshly placed stone with an engraved rose and the words,

"Isabelle Perkins 


Loving Sister and Daughter"

I stop at every grave, and my eyes sweep over kind words, chosen by loving families. The darkening sky warns of thunder, and the brown-orange leaves crunch under my black boots. I turn my head, unable to shake the feeling that someone is watching me, their eyes piercing through the back of my skull. My fingers grip the red roses so tightly that I can feel the thorns puncturing my fingers. I quicken my step, trying to find a place away from the stranger's prying eyes. Their gaze still burns into my head and I turn around, searching for their eyes in the gray night. Nothing. I continue walking. Then, finding the correct grave, I kneel by the tombstone, remove the dried flowers from the pot, and add the new bright red ones. I brush my fingers over my sister's name, engraved in the bleached stone.

I stand up and turn away from the grave, tears pricking my eyes. I feel the stranger's eyes travel up my spine and settle back to my head as I walk away from the grave and towards the entrance of the graveyard. A light mist settles over the cemetery and I can hear a soft footfall behind me as the old gate comes into view. I pull at the hems of my sweater, then quickly draw my hand to my pocket. I swivel around quickly, ready to meet the eyes of my stalker, but no one is there. With a shuddered breath, I turn back around, and continue walking to the gate.

As soon as I reach the gate a bolt of lightning brightens the sky for a moment. A man with gray sweatpants and a black sweater is leaning against my unwashed white car. His arctic blue eyes and tip of his slender nose are the only showing part of his shadowed face. His eyes are familiar, and a wash of grief floods over me as my heart plummets deep into my stomach.


A piercing scream echoes off the hallways. I sprint down the hall, and my hair falls out of its messy updo. I grab Hazel by the arm and we dash in a daze towards the bathroom, but someone falls to the ground before us. Hazel turns to me, her face in clear distress, fear flashing behind her eyes as she whimpers. ____________________________________________________________

The blinding blue of his eyes flash in my memory. I stay completely frozen, my eyes glued blindly to my car. Seconds later, another flash of lightning lights my car, but the man has disappeared into the consuming darkness of the night. I fish through my pocket, my hand skimming over my medicine, a wallet, my phone, and my keys. Snatching the keys, I unlock the door and reaching out, I open the door and duck in, stuffing the key into the ignition and turning it, revving the engine to life. I pull out my phone and I swipe up from the unlock screen, frantically scrolling through my contacts. I click the phone icon next to Hazel's contact and bring the phone up to my ear waiting for the ringing to stop, indicating she picked up her phone.

The phone rings a few times until it buzzes.

"The person you are calling isn't accepting messages right now. Why don't you text them or try calling again later? Thank you," an automated lady responds.

I curse under my breath, hang up, and text,



"What's going on?"

"Are you ok?"

"Can I come over?"

"I'll explain when I get there."



I set my phone in my lap, throw the car into drive, turn the wheel, and press the acceleration firmly to start driving up the road.



I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm sorry if it was boring. It gets better later, just bear with me. 

Bye <3


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