Chapter 7

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Olive's POV: I run over to Hazel and help her sit down. "What did you eat today?"

"Nothing," she says, looking down.

I shake my head and stand up. "I'll be right back, ok?"

Hazel nods and pulls her knees to her chest, putting her head down. A few seconds later, I return with a blanket, meds, and a big block of wood.

I set them down by the couch and then walk over to Hazel.

"Can you get up by yourself?"

"Uhh, yeah," she responds.

I help her up, but her legs give way, and I catch her before she hits the ground.

"I'm going to pick you up, ok?"

She nods, and I lift her. I carry her to the couch and gently set her down on it.

"If you didn't eat, that means you didn't take the meds, right?"

She nods again. I walk back to the kitchen and put some pasta in the microwave. When I return to the couch, I have her lie down, propping her legs on the wooden block. I cover her with the blanket and grab the heated pasta. After she finished the food, I took the plate, put it in the sink, and washed my hands. Then I grab the small bottle of liquid and fill a syringe, walking back to the sofa.

"Ready?" I ask, looking at her.

"Yes," she says, offering me her arm.

"Ok, Three... Two... One..." I inject it and slowly press the liquid in. I remove the needle and quickly rub her arm.

"It's done. How are you doing?"

"Fine... Thank you."

The sunlight filters through one of the windows, and I flip onto my side and hug her. She moves around a little but then stops moving and breathes out deeply. I kiss from the nape of her neck to her shoulder. She groans and then turns around so I'm facing her.

"Baby, I'm tired... Can I sleep for ten more minutes? Please?" Hazel groans.

"Your mom came in like fifteen minutes ago and told you to get up. Remember? You have to take Elias to his swim lesson."

"Ughh... Five more minutes?"

"Fine, but I'm coming to wake you up in five minutes, whether you like it or not."

I get up and grab some clothes. I slip into a pair of her jeans and pull my sweater on. I walk over to the bathroom and get ready quickly. Then I wake Elias up. Even he wakes up better than Hazel. He starts getting ready, and I walk to the kitchen and start the pancake batter before looking at the time.

Eli has his lesson in 30 mins. Hazel has to wake up, and I need to finish breakfast.

"Eli!" I yell up the stairs, "Could you wake your sister up? You can jump on the bed! I'm making pancakes."

I hear him squeal, and then his feet stampede around upstairs. Not even 2 minutes later, Hazel walks down the stairs, sleepily and still in pajamas. Eli is walking, more like bouncing, down the stairs behind her.

"Hey, you two! Pancakes are done!"

Elias immediately runs past Hazel and throws himself at the pancakes.

"Careful, you might choke," I say, smiling at him.

Hazel sits down and starts eating the pancakes as well. I walk behind her and kiss her head before sitting down and eating my pancakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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