Chapter 3

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She drops to her knees beside him. As I stand frozen, staring at the body in front of us. He is coughing up blood and bleeding from his chest rapidly. I gently kneel beside him and firmly press my sweatshirt into his wound. Then, while instructing Hazel to take his arms, I lift his legs. Slowly we carry his body into the girl's bathroom. As soon as we place him on the tiled floor, Hazel shuts and locks the bathroom door, and I kneel beside Marion. I take a Swiss Army knife out of my pocket, and gently cut his shirt down the middle, careful to avoid the wound in his chest. Wetting paper towels in the sink, Hazel slowly hands them to me one by one. I dab them at his chest until I can see through the blood. Although there isn't as much blood on his chest anymore, I can't seem to find the wound. I sit there silently looking at him. His blood starts pooling again, and I can finally tell where the wound is.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath.


"He's not bleeding from his chest...."

"Where from then?"

"His shoulder..."

"He's bleeding out," Hazel asks sullenly, "isn't he?"

"Kinda," I respond, quietly, "I can keep trying, but I don't think there's anything I can do...."

Marion lies motionlessly on the floor, shallowly breathing. Trying to suppress the bleeding, I press dozens of paper towels into his shoulder. He coughs, spitting up more blood.



"There's a lot of blood."

"I'm sorry, darling."

I look up at Hazel. Her face is covered in tears and blood.


I look at myself in the mirror, tears are sliding down one side of my face while more sting in my eyes threatening to join the others in dripping down my cheek.

I grab the hand towel that was carefully draped on a metal ring. Dabbing gently at my face, I try to wipe away the tears. I look back at my reflection, my auburn hair is sticking to the sides of my face and my green eyes are almost bloodshot from crying and sleepless nights. In a swift motion I bunch my waist long hair up into a ponytail, and secure it with the hair tie on my wrist. My eyes are less red and swollen now, so I step out of the bathroom.

Hazel is sitting on bed with her legs dangling off the side, she's holding one glass of water, while another is sitting on her bedside table. She's staring off into space but looks up at me when the bathroom door clicks shut. She looks me up and down, smiles and then frowns, her eyes finally finding mine. While motioning me over to her, she moves to rest her back against her headboard, and sets the glass down next to the other one. I hesitate for a second and then move to sit in front of her. She pats the pillow next to her, so I sit there instead. After she wraps her arm around me, comforting me, she whispers, "What happened?"

I take a deep, trembling breath and tell her about the graveyard. By the end of the story, I'm shaking violently, and can barely breath. Her arm tightens comfortingly around me, and she softly mutters kind and loving words into my ear.

After a few minutes, I sit up and look into her eyes. She leans down and gently kisses me on the forehead, then on each cheek. As she pulls away, her fingers softly brush the tears off my face.

"Drink your water," she says, passing me a full cup.

I take the glass cup into my hands and lift it up to my mouth. Taking a long sip of water I swallow, shivering as the cold liquid washes down my dry throat.

"You must be hungry," Hazel whispers, after I downed the cup.

"I guess."

"Come on, we have a few things you could eat."

"Ok," I respond, as she leads me down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I sit on one of the tall swivel chairs, at the island in the middle of Hazel's kitchen. She slowly walks around the kitchen, throwing food together.



Sorry that it took so long to post. I traveled for a little and when I got back I completely forgot to post. Sorry! I'll try to post more regularly now.


-S.M. <3

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