Chapter 4

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"Could you explain what he looked like, darling?" Hazel asks tenderly.

"He was wearing a black sweater, dark gray sweatpants, and his eyes were the same blue."

"And you're sure that they are the same person?"

"Yes, they had the same scar and were even around the same height," I say, shuddering.

"Can you stay here tonight?"

"Mmhm," I lie.

"Ok, good," Hazel says thoughtfully, "you probably shouldn't be going out in the dark anyway."

"I guess..." I say miserably.

She sets a plate of cookies, a bowl of strawberries, and a glass of milk in front of me.

"Thank you," I say, looking at her as she sits next to me holding two plates.
She hands me one of the plates, and then reaches over my arm to take a cookie. She puts the cookie down on her plate and reaches her hand back out to me and drapes it over my shoulders. I flinch, but give in to her touch, leaning my head against her shoulder. "Uh-uh. Eat your food first," she says leaning away from me.

I sigh and remove my head from her shoulder. She giggles at my fake pout and kisses my nose before taking a bite out of her cookie. A small boy with wheat blonde hair runs up to me and Hazel. I stand and catch him in my arms, laughing.
"Eli!" I exclaim, as I brush hair out of his eyes.

He hugs me around my neck and I chuckle when Hazel reaches over to tickle him and he shrieks. "Do you want a cookie," I offer, after setting him down.

His eyes light up, and he says, "yes!"

I grab a cookie and lean down to hand it to him, he reaches up to take it, but I jerk my hand away before he can have it, "What's the magic word?" I tease.


"No, it was dinosaur, but I'll let you have it for good manners," I say, winking at him.

Hazel giggles as Elias skips out of the kitchen, leaving a trail of cookie crumbs in his wake. "How are you so good with kids," she asks, looking at me lovingly.
"I have siblings, remember?" I tease, looking into her eyes.
"Of course I remember," she says, smiling brightly at me before standing.

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