Their past

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Disclaimer: I do not own ANYTHING that has to do with Transformers. I own the Assassions and the plot.


Saberlight is a femme, leader of the Assassions. She doesn't smile often but when she does everyone else tends to smile (even Optimus Prime) usually she has a blank face, she's always cool and collected.

Appearance: Mostly black with green decals, green optics. (Cover of book)

Bluestar is a femme and scout/spy. (Basically like Bumblebee) Kicks, hits and punches random bots for the fun of it.

Appearance: Mostly black with deep blue decals, dark blue optics.

Steelclaw is a femme and the field medic and scientist. Nothing but the blunt truth.

Appearance: Mostly black with white-ish silver decals, silver optics.

Soaringblaze is a femme and a good warrior and sneaky pranking spy. Childish attitude, immature, annoying, and good hearted.

Appearance: Mostly black with red and gold decals(like flames), one optic gold the other optic green.

Blackwhole is a femme who loves no one but herself, but respects Saberlight enough to fight with the rest of the Assassions, loves her paint job. She has a personality were she back talks at the littlest things.

Appearance: Mostly black with deep red decals, light blue optics.

Wildgear the biggest (in weight) femme of the Assassions, she has a twitchy finger. Constantly makes fun of Blackwhole. She is a gentle femme but a wrecker all the same.

Appearance: Mostly black with deep green decals, light blue optics.

Shrapneltrain is the femme who wants Saberlights place in the faction (leader). Used to fight in underground match fights for money or Energon. Has grudge against Saberlight because Saberlights father chose her to be the leader of the Assassions.

Appearance: Mostly black with silver-grey decals, red optics.(once were green with gold flecks)

Teala is a femme and an on base medic, she has no weapons so she stays on base most of the time. She is shy, smart, kind, and weak (from a medical condition) but she is stubborn when it comes to her teams health and her sparkmate. (Pronounced: Teal-la)

Appearance: Mostly black with teal decals, teal optics

Smackdown is Teala's sparkmate and is a bodyguard to all the Assassion femmes, This is a Mech you do not want to piss off. He is very smart and helps Saberlight in some decisions, he is the strongest amongst the team. Has anger issues. The person he is nicest to is Teala. Brother to Saberlight.

Appearance: Mostly black with grey and crimson star decals, green optics.


(3 years -in cybertronian years- before Cybertronian war)

Saberlight P.O.V

My sire Meataldrive is the leader of the Assassion faction. My sire will choose who is best fit to be the next leader in four years. Shrapneltrain wants it to be her so she tries to impress him with her fighting skills.

I was walking by Icon when a red and blue mech walks out with datapads, I couldn't help but stare.... His blue optics were so mesmerising. I shook my head to stop those thoughts. I looked down at my peds then I heard somebot talk.

[As my sire had to choose the mech that he thought was best for me and the Assassions. We (the Assassions) are the (what humans call) bounty hunters of cybertron. Anyway back to the story.] As soon as I looked up I saw a silver mech talking to the red and blue mech.

Assassions Transformers Prime (ABANDONED)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα