Primus help me!

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~Bee beeping~

Optimus P.O.V.

I was talking to Ratchet, who had alot of free time lately because of the extra two medics that the Assassions had, about Energon signals. Apparently there were three and they were large.

I decided that I wouldn't tell him about my feelings for the Assassion leader but hint at it subtlely (A/N: apparently subtlely isn't a word.....well frag you Wattpad! It's my word!) But he might just figure it out himself.

"I'm just sure of it Optimus. There are large Energon signals, it will take me two days to get a fix on their exact or relatively close location." He told me.

"I'll consult Saberlight on this matter and see which of the Autobots and which Assassions will go to which locations, once you've gotten them." I said as I started to walk off.

"I've noticed you talk alot about Saberlight when you are and when you aren't talking about something serious." He raised an optic ridge.

"She is a good leader....." I started then Ratchet interrupted me.

"A good femme. I believe you would be good for each other, sorry if I'm too bold." He said.

"She is strong." I continued as if he hadn't of interrupted, "She is the light in the darkness for her people."

"That tone in your voice something you would've used when talking to or about Elita-1." He said, which caused a pang in my spark which quickly ebbed away at the thought of Saberlight. MY Saberlight....... I have no idea why I think of her as mine. Even though we had told each other of our feelings......I felt as if she wouldn't be mine until we were Sparkmates.

"I know that far-away look. Your either thinking about Elita-1 or Saberlight." Ratchet said.

"I have to go consult Saberlight now. Thank you, my old friend." I said then walked away and went to find Light.

I saw Sunstreaker and Sideswipe with the Assassion femme SoaringBlaze. They were talking over a contraption in (as the Assassions call her) Sora's servo.

"Do either of the three of you know where I can find Saberlight?" When I started taking, the three jumped and Sora 'hid' the contraption behind her.

"Nope, bossbot." Sunstreaker said

"Not at all, big O." Sideswipe said

They both looked towards Sora.

"She should either be on the roof with Smackdown, in the training room with Blue and Bee, or in her berthroom in recharge." Sora said

"Thank you, SoaringBlaze." I said.

"No problem, Prime." She said.

They went back to discussing when I left the room.

I checked the training room and all I saw was Bluestar and Bumblebee. Bluestar kicked Bee in the shinplating. "Have either of you two seen Saberlight?"

~Sure I did boss-bot~" Bumblebee replied.

"Yes, I did." Replied Bluestar.

"Do you know where she went?" I asked.

"Either her berthroom or the roof, looking at the sky." Bluestar replied.

I went to her berthroom and it was empty. So I went to the roof of the base and there she was sitting on the side looking at the stars, I looked around and her brother was nowhere.

"Where's your brother?" I asked.

"He went to his berthroom an hour ago." She replied, and turned to me smiling, which caused me to smile.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked with an Optic ridge raised.

"I remember you asking that years ago.....after I got upset and you comforted me........*laughs* Come on and sit." She said patting the space to her left.

I sat down and stared at the stars, and occasionally her, for a while in silence. Then she decided to speak.

"What do you miss most about Cybertron.....that you remember?" She asked.

"The feeling of being home, and no war......peace and feeling......happy." I said.

She nodded then I asked, "What about you, Light?"

"I miss my family weather together or not but everyone was alive, and I miss going to Iacon to check out data-pads...." She spoke softly. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders with my servo resting on her right shoulder and I pulled her closer to me. She rested her helm on my right shoulder.

"What did you hate.....or dislike the most about Cybertron, Ori?" She asked

"The inequality." I said

"Me too." She spoke.

We looked at each other and leaned toward each other our dermas were so close I could feel her breath on mine.

Then I heard the elevator to the roof ascend. "Someone's coming up." She said.

I looked to her lips and back to her optics. "Yes." I said. She pulled away, we stood up and faced the scenery.

"Hey Bossbot." Bulkhead said.

"Yes, Bulkhead?" I asked as Light and myself faced him.

"Miko decided along with Max that all the bots and humans play a 'game' to rid of the boredom....." he stated pointing to the elevator.

When we made it to the main room, Miko and Max had the rest of the Assassions and Autobots in a circle and placed us in the circle.

"We need a bottle or a large pipe." Max said.

All the Assassions optics widened and they started groaning in annoyance.....even Saberlight.......although her doing that made thoughts I shouldn't think invade my processor.

"Whats going on?" Ratchet, Bulkhead, and Smokescreen asked.

Saberlight answered. "The humans......our humans played this before at our old base got annoying and boring quickly."

"But because now we have more bots it will be better!" Max stated.

"What's the purpose of this 'game'?" I asked.

Miko and Max explained.

"You spin the bottle or in this case a one sided open pipe, and whoever the side that's open points to you you either kiss or hug." Miko stated

"It is only kiss for femme x mech pairs. If its femme x femme or mech x mech you just hug." Max said

"Then it's the person or bot to your left's turn." Miko said.

"This goes on for a while until everybot has gone 3 times." Max said.

"Then after that we play Truth or Dare. The last person to spin will go first." Miko says

"Human x Human." Max says

"And Bot x Bot." Miko says

Saberlight spoke then, "This might actually be more fun than last time."


Ok. Tell me what you think.

I'm sorry it took me too long to update but I've been busy watching my baby brother he will be a year old on Halloween morning this year.

I hope you like this filler. I'll publish what happens next when I get five to ten comments.


{Edited: June 17, 2017}

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