Meeting old friends (Part 1)

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(I changed it to where all of the assassions' people ['owners'] know they are alien robots)

"Out loud"


'Sparkmate bond'

-personal comm-

Sparkmate tug-meaning character is drawn to sparkmate by a supernatural/natural tug on their spark.

Saberlight P.O.V.

"Sora!!!!" Steelclaw yelled from the medbay.

And Sora looked up from where she was sitting with a smirk on her face. When Steelclaw came into the room Sora burst into laughter for Steelclaw was covered in pink paint...... What has she done now!?

"Why did my transfuser explode in my faceplate!?" Steel was getting pissed off. I knew better than to mess with a pissed off Steel, so I stood and watched and waited until things got physical.

Of course knowing all of us it would eventually get physical. (You try staying in an underground base, that you built yourselves, with eight other bots only going up top to scout for Energon and danger and to take our charges where they needed to go and then back to either their homes or here to base...... which wasn't often.)

Everyone but me, Wild, Teala, Sora, and Train had a human to watch.

Blue had a 12 year old human named Ben.

Even Steel had a 19 year old human charge named Wen. (He happened to be the only one Steel could stand to be around other than Simon)

Blacky(Blackwhole) had a 14 year old femme human named Max.

My brother Smackdown had a 18 year old human named Simon.

***2 hours, a fight and alot of repairs later***

"Saberlight!" I hear Steel call my name.

"What is it Steelclaw?" I ask in a monotone voice.

"Remember that Cybertronian signal that I picked up in space?" She asks I nod. "Well it turned out to be six signals in space and one close by here. It landed two days ago."

"I see. Keep an optic on those signals and if they become hostile let me know." I said and then slightly smiling walked away.

*timeskip (cuz im lazy) brought to you by Optimus' sexy voice*

After a couple hours of stopping fights, sending bots to the med bay, sending bots on Energon scouting missions, and having the bots bring their humans to the base and back home or to and from work, if they had work. (I had Wild take Steels human where he needed to go.)

Steel called me back to the computers by the med bay.

"What is it Steel?" I asked cautiously

"It seems those other six signals have landed, but show no sign of hostility toward the humans or ourselves." She said matter-of-factly.

"That means they are most likely Autobots, but I'm having everyone be extra careful when outside this base. Where the Autobots are, the Decepticons are sure to follow." I stated, worry evident in my tone at the mention of Decepticons.

Steel just nodded and proceeded to comm the others and to tell them what I had said.

*Another time skip cuz I want to get to the meeting*

(Future me here I changed the story it is now TFP with the bots looking like they do in the movies. But I'm adding the twins. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.)

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