Meeting old friends (Part 3)

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Megatrons P.O.V
(A/N: Didn't see that coming did you?)

I had been in the middle of a desert ordering Decepticons around when Soundwave told me that there had been an explosion in the area that those fleshies lived by. He also said it was made with Cybertronian technology.

I flew over there and as I landed on a hill I heard the Autobot medic ask a crying femme what some other femme designation was... She looked up and I saw it was that Assassion disappointment of a leader.

She had begun to speak and once she did I knew what they were talking about.

"Elita-1!" I yelled laughing.

As I descended the hill laughing. The Assassion leaders optics turned black and she spoke in a voice so deep and dark, that was so uncharacteristical for a femme, that I almost showed fear. Key word almost. "Megatron, you fragging piece of slag!"

"Ah my dear. Bad languge shouldn't be the weapons we use, I mean what would your twin Elita-1 say?" I stated mockingly.

Normally when a Cybertronian is this murderous I will avoid them at all costs, but I had high hopes she would be so caught up in her rage that if anybot 'accidentally' got in her way she would continue the attack just to get to me.

"You fragger! You have NO right to say her name after what you did to her! AND a defenseless sparkling!" She yelled at me. I made sure my face only showed slight amusement. But I felt fear, for if my 'plan' didn't work....I would be offlined and Starscream would take command. Speaking of....where was the fragger?

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to attack me?" I asked taunting her. If the bots were smart, they wouldn't try to stop a murderous femme.

She lunged at me her servos becoming a sword and a blaster. I guess the 'bots were smarter than they look.

She shot at my left and when I dove right to avoid the shot she used her blade to dig into my shoulder and cut my arm off.

I shot at her but she was too quick in avoiding shots, I had missed every shot. She had either gotten better since I last seen her or she had been holding back with all her abilities when she worked with the Decepticons.

::Soundwave:: I dodged her sword

::Yes, my liege?:: I dodged another strike, he used Starscreams annoying voice.

::I am in need of assisstance.:: another strike only this one slashed across my chassis. ::NOW SOUNDWAVE!::

::Statement: Sending groundbridge, with several Decepticons to aid in your leaving:: I swear to Primus that if he would have said retreat or escape somebots sparkchamber would be sparkless. Another blow only this one was a little too close to my spark for comfort.

A groundbridge opened up behind me, my severed arm in my good servo. Out came Berricade, Knockout, And two other mechs I never bothered to learn the names of. They started to shoot at the Assassion femme, her eyes had now turned to their normal green. Still, she avoided every shot. Her Assassions, except one femme who I remember to be the one who told me of her sisters' mistake, shot back. Train ran up to me, jumped on my back, then whispered to me. "Take me with you." Quickly I pulled her around into a hostage position.

"I'll be leaving now." They all stopped shooting even my 'Cons. We stepped through the groundbridge and it closed behind us. "Why did you want to come with me?"

"Do you know what it's like to be the older sibling and then have your younger sibling take the place you were originally supposed to get but then when you think that you'll just get the next best position your younger brother gets that place and your just considered a warrior?" She asked me. I think she meant the fact that she didn't become the leader or second in command of her faction.

"I have had a experiance close to that." I stated. "So you want to be a Decepticon?"

She spoke with up most certainty that I know for a fact she was telling the truth. "Yes."

Starscream entered the room. "Starscream, you have been demoted...." I looked to the femme.

"Shrapneltrain. But you may call me Train." She said

"Train will be your superior from this moment on unless I say otherwise." His face suggested he was going to complain.

"B-but my leige... what did I do to deserve the demotion?" He is such a glitchhelm.

"Its not what you have done, it's what you haven't done." He looked at me confused, "You were supposed to be in your alt mode above watching and waiting for my signal. But you weren't, luckily I noticed you weren't there and had to call for ASSISTANCE!"

I picked him up and threw him into a wall. Train was watching the whole thing with interest and awe shining in her optics. Well It WAS pretty impressive when I only could use one arm. "Leave before I make Soundwave call Scalpel and Knockout and have them experiment on you."

He ran out as fast as he could on his high-heeled peds.

"Let's go get your decepticon mark." I said

She nodded and walked out of the room and I followed. "You also need a medic my Lord." She said

I nodded.

Train.... What on primus' good planet of Cybertron was that?

I mentally shook my helm and and continued walking.



Did you like it? I hope you Megatron fans enjoyed this. But it's weird to see that Megatron has a sweet spot in his spark for Train..... *grins evilly* even though he doesn't know it.

Question of the chapter: Who do you think in the Assassion group falls in love with who from the Autobot group?

I look forward to reading your comments.


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