Prologue - Chapter 1.1

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Please view the Authors Notes when you finish this chapter for extra details.

Is life a gift or a curse? I often find myself pondering this question when I'm bored. After all, the color white starts to burn your eyes after a while. Of course, with the way I was raised, my life could be considered a curse. No, it's not my life that could be a curse, but my upbringing. Of course, I'm grateful for being born in the first place, but it's what came after that makes me think being alive is a curse. One's upbringing usually gives them the qualities that define them for life. Unlike normal people, my qualities were chosen before I was even born. It was predetermined that I would become a genius, one that could outclass all others. A leader, one that could control this country without any problems or worries. My father is the root cause of all this. If I wasn't born into that place, if I wasn't born into emotionlessness and manipulation, if I wasn't born in that labor room, walls, floors, ceilings, doors, covered in the color white... Could I have been normal? Most importantly, could I have been loved too?

When I was about halfway through the bus, a girl with lilac hair and a cane said something peculiar to me from the back seats.

"Oh my, what is somebody like the masterpiece doing out and about."  She said with an astonished expression.


I felt my composure slip for a second there. How could this little woman know about that?

"How do you know about that place." I replied with my hand subconsciously rolled into a fist at my side. "Tell me."

"I don't want to start any trouble. Come over here and I'll tell you."

After she said this, a girl with black hair reading one of my favorite books, Crime and Punishment, looked up at me. I made direct eye contact with this girl, and unclenched my fist.

"Fine. But you must tell me everything."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving anything out." The little girl said.

I made my way to the back of the bus. Luckily, the only person who really seemed to care about that conversation was the girl with black hair, so I'm in the clear for now.

"So, masterpiece, first tell me why you're out of that place."

"The nickname Masterpiece doesn't pay much respect to my abilities. Just call me my name, I'm sure you know it."

"Okay, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka-kun."

"First, tell me your name, then tell me how you know me."

"Sakayanagi Arisu. My father is the chairman at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, where I assume you are headed right now." She continued. "I have known you for 8 years, but have only ever actually seen you once."

"Interesting. I have no idea who you are, but the fact that know about that place means you must be telling the truth. Continue."

"8 years ago, my father took me to see that place. There, we saw many students, but only one caught my eye." I raised my eyebrow. "That boy, clad with a white gown and brown parted hair, was destroying another student in chess. I was captivated. Instantly. I knew I had to crush from you the moment I saw you finish that match."

"This doesn't make sense. I never saw any visitors come into that place."

"Of course you didn't. We were watching through one-sided glass."

"Well, at least that part makes sense" I said, semi-joking.

"Ever since that day, I've wanted to meet you again and crush the false genius of the Whi-"

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