The Bigger Picture - Chapter 1.2

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"Can you at least tell me your name if you're going to barrage me with questions?"

At the moment, me and the mysterious Kurokami-san are walking towards the gymnasium for the entrance ceremony. I caught a quick glimpse of what looked like Kushida and her other two black-haired acquaintances.

"Fine, I guess it's the least I can do. My name is Horikita Suzune."

"Thank you, Horikita."

Well, at least that solved one of my many questions about this girl.

"Anyways, do you know what class you are in, Horikita?"

"No honorific? Well, whatever. No. They didn't tell me what class I was in."

"Strange, even though they didn't tell us what class we are in, they are still separating students via class up there. Look." I pointed at the 4 teachers up ahead that were calling out their class letters. A, B, C, and D.

"What the... That is strange, Ayanokoji-kun."

"Well, let's just get closer to the gymnasium before we confuse ourselves more."


After we got closer to the gymnasium, we could tell that something was not right.

Right as we were about to step inside, a cute and bubbly voice came over the intercom.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka-kun, and Horikita Suzune-san, please head to the Class E classroom to meet the rest of your classmates. If you get lost, ask a senior or teacher for directions."

"Class E?" Horikita said from my left.

"I don't think we need directions, right? It's just on the first year floor." I said.

"Well... I guess that's true."

After that, we started heading in the direction of the big school building, trying not to get lost in the process.


"It's really... small." I said to no one in particular.

"Apparently, we don't have as many classmates as the other classes, so we don't need a very large classroom." Said the guy, with the black hair and matching ahoge from earlier.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you." I outstretched my right arm and offered him a handshake.

"Hikigaya Hachiman. Nice to meet you too, Ayanokoji."

"Have you seen our teacher ye-" I was cut off suddenly by the sliding-door opening to reveal a 25-30 year old woman wearing a white lab coat over the standard female teachers uniform.

"Alright everyone! Get in your seats." She said followed by a boisterous laugh. "The first thing you all should know is... My name is Hiratsuka Shizuka, your homeroom Class-E teacher for the rest of these 3 years." Your class is different from the rest. You could call yourselves special."

Special, huh?

"Right about now, the other classes are sitting through a boring entrance ceremony, but there's a reason why we had you skip out and meet here early. Your explanation takes quite a bit longer than it does for the other classes. Here's the deal. Your class, E, will have a considerable advantage over the other classes, A, B, C, and D. The information you are about to receive will not be told to the other classes until May 1st. In addition to this, your class will be used in an experiment. Instead of solo dorms, you will have to pick one partner of the same sex to dorm with for the rest of your time at this school. Obviously, since there is only 8 of you, this shouldn't be too hard. "

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