Chapter 30 - Game Over

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Together with the other members, Luhan had come up with a plan that night amidst their late-night snacking. With the maknaes abilities to cause mischief, they were going to use that as well as enlisting the help of several other S.M. artists. They'd decided that they didn't care anymore and it was about time they fought back against the media as well for always blackening their careers with false rumours. Especially when they all agreed on it and didn't mind whatever consequences came their way.

Luhan groaned at the thought of how they were going to escape, and that was soon answered when Baekhyun stuck up his hand. Everyone turned to look at him as he spoke, "You know, I can ask some of SNSD to come over with a change of clothes, then you - " he pointed at the couple, " - two can change into them and get out then have some sort of a press conference or whatever with the press."

"You mean, to get Luhan to finally cross-dress?" Chen said, his signature smirk appearing. "Oh this is going to be good!"

Jiyoon stifled her laughter behind her hand when she saw Luhan almost rise from his seat. "Well..." she paused when Luhan looked at her with wide eyes, "It's not a bad idea. I don't really mind." She grinned and looked expectantly at her fiancé - Jiyoon decided that it would be so worth it, especially if she took photos. A selca or two couldn't hurt.

"No, no, no. Not you too!" Luhan shook his head looking horrified. "I am not ever going to dress up as a girl. E.V.E.R. EVER. EVERRR." He was determined to not ever go through such an embarrassing phase in his twenty four years of life; his manliness was in danger. Especially since Suho had done it and it was beyond embarrassing just to see his own leader dressed up in red feathers and high heels with short hair.

With a pout on her face, Jiyoon sidled up to Luhan's side, "But oppa," she gagged internally at the endearment, but she still really wanted to see him as a girl, wondering if he would really look like those photoshopped pictures, "I bet you'd look really good as a girl."

"NO WAY ON EARTH AM I DRESSING UP AS A GIRL JUST TO GET OUT OF HERE," Luhan almost screamed, but he did feel slightly happy he'd been called oppa. He'd never once heard her call him that, yet he felt conflicted because Jiyoon had only called him that for her own interest. Luhan looked down at her and crossed his arms, "You're such a devilish woman. I have my manly pride, okay!" he huffed.

Chanyeol suddenly coughed loudly, "Cough, manlymyass, cough." Kai and Sehun both heard what he'd said and were laughing silently behind their hands.

Sending a glare towards the three, Luhan turned back to look at Jiyoon, "This is all because it's for your own self-interest, right?"

Jiyoon gave him a guilty look and pretended to be fascinated by the fluff on her jumper. He sat down with a heavy sigh and let his head fall back against the couch. "So... are you going to agree because we'll just pick another person," Baekhyun said, waving his hands around at the other members. They all simultaneously shook their heads and made noises of disagreement.

"See? No-one wants to do it," Luhan muttered. He huffed and crossed his arms, sulking like a child.

"Does that matter? It'll happen either way."

"And who said we'd agree to your plan in the first place?"


The said person shrank back in her seat when Luhan turned to grab her shoulders, "You really should have kept quiet." The other members wolf-whistled but were shot down when he turned to glare at them, "Shut up. Also, why does it have to be us?" he whined.

Baekhyun made a face like the answer was dangling right under Luhan's nose, "Duh, because you brought this on us." But Kris quickly hushed him and moved forward, making his way towards Luhan. He draped an arm around the older and poked his cheek jokingly earning himself an annoyed glare.

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