Chapter 13 - To the Airport

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"Umm~~a! Come o~~n!" Jiyoon whined, as her mother tried to fit more clothes into her suitcase. Her mother only shushed her and continued to zip up the suitcase with somewhat difficulty. "It's only 6 days! I don't need so much!"

"Shush, I don't care. Don't come back whining that you didn't pack enough clothes! You have to pack for all sorts of weather and situations!" Mrs Park scolded and smacked Jiyoon's hand away. Jiyoon huffed and rubbed her hand, she was only trying to help.

In the end, Jiyoon was glad she had woken up early to pack the rest of her things because now, she had only two hours and a half left to get to the airport and have her name checked. Luhan stood at the front door waiting as she lugged the heavy suitcase down the stairs while trying to keep from tripping over it. He watched on in amusement as she walked up to him with red cheeks and a wrinkle between her brows. Luhan reached out and smoothed them out with a chuckle, "You're going to get premature wrinkles if you keep frowning like that."

Jiyoon sighed and muttered a defeated, "Yeah, whatever. Let's go already."

Luhan took her hand in his, their fingers interlocking together naturally as he took the suitcase as well in his other hand. Jiyoon looked down at the intertwined hands and bit back a smile, she hadn't held hands with him for a while and it felt... nice and warm. She looked back up at him as they walked to his car and said, "Thanks for taking the suitcase."

"No problem."

They walked a little bit further in silence as his car slowly came into view. Luhan unlocked the doors and opened up the back, putting the suitcase into the boot. He came around the driver's side and sat, buckling his seatbelt and checking that Jiyoon had as well. Satisfied, he changed the gear and drove to the airport.

They didn't have much to say to each other but there was one thing bugging her. Where exactly is Luhan going this week? Jiyoon thought. She took a breath and asked just that, not really expecting much of an answer but hoped that wherever he was going, it would still be in the same country.

"It's a secret~" He sang, just to tease her. Luhan took a side glance at her and she was indeed, frowning at him.

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me, I won't bring you back souvenirs."

He laughed. "Well, well, what's this? Are you finally bargaining with me?" Luhan said, just as they stopped at a red light.

"What do you mean 'finally'?"

"You actually want something from me now. Before you always let me do whatever I wanted."

"Well, I can't let that go on for long can I?"

"No, of course not. Though I wish it did."

"Yah! Sheesh, do you or do you not want something from Gyeongju?"

"Yes, plea~se! I've never been there before. Oh, and take lots of photos!" Luhan said, remembering his photo album. Since he couldn't give the camera just yet (there was still two months until Christmas) he told her to use her phone. "Use your phone or borrow someone's camera, I want to see what you do on your trip."

"Wow. You seem more excited than I am about this trip," Jiyoon muttered. "Anyways, like I asked, where are you going?"

"Do you want to know that badly?" Luhan asked, poking her cheek. She nodded. "Alright, I'm having a few fan signs this week and a Music Bank performance for Growl."

"Eh?" Jiyoon pouted, "No fair, I want to see too! But I have the trip."

"Oh well, I wish I was going with you though. Do you know how much hard work it takes for getting ready for a performance?" Luhan shook his head and changed the gear to drive.

The rest of the drive to the airport was silent except for the soft music playing on the radio that Luhan had turned on. Suddenly, EXO's ever popular Growl was playing and Jiyoon leaned over to turn up the volume. She grinned widely at Luhan and proceeded to sing along loudly to the chorus.

Luhan chuckled and sang along as well and Jiyoon listened in admiration when he sang his own parts. When the song finished, she leaned over and turned the volume back down. "You know, you're even better in real life. You should sing more at home, since I never get to go to EXO's performances," Jiyoon said.

"Well, what do I get in return then?" A mysterious twinkle had appeared in Luhan's eyes when he looked at her, only to turn back towards the road a second later.

"I don't know. What do you want?" Jiyoon just hoped it wasn't something too overboard.

Luhan shrugged, "I'll think of something once we're back together at the end of the week."

"Ah, then it better be something good okay? Not something totally useless or weird. Definitely no funny business either!" She said, wagging a finger at him.

"Okay, okay," he said, tapping the steering wheel. "Oh, I almost forgot but you don't seem to be... wearing the ring recently? Do you not like it?" Luhan raised an eyebrow.

Jiyoon covered her face with her hands, a little embarrassed that he had noticed. "Sorry! I just..."

When she remained silent, Luhan pressed on, "You just what?"

"Um... how do I say this?... It's too... precious to lose," she said shyly, her hands still covering her face.

"Aww, that's okay!" Luhan gave her a pat on the head, laughing inwardly at her shyness at revealing her inner thoughts, "I'm happy that you don't want to lose it, so much so that you don't wear it out on your finger. But where do you keep then?"

"I keep it here," Jiyoon tugged out the silver necklace around her neck that Luhan hadn't noticed before. On the chain was the ring that sparkled slightly as light reflected off the silver band. He smiled, pleased that she still kept it on her.

They soon arrived at the airport and Luhan pecked Jiyoon on the lips before she went inside. She blushed and her face was still red even as she entered the Departure terminal. "Have fun!" he shouted after her before also leaving himself.

Jiyoon heard the shout and looked back just as Luhan waved and drove off. She sighed and patted her warm cheeks wondering if it was still red. She looked around the area and saw the large group of students from her year and hurried towards the teacher standing amongst them. Her teacher was still slowly marking off the names one by one as Jiyoon came up to him.

"Oh, you're here. Okay, Park Jiyoon, done," her teacher smiled and pointed to where another smaller group of students stood, "Go over there, I just need to mark the rest of the people here."

"Thanks," Jiyoon nodded and walked towards them, rolling her suitcase behind her. She spotted her friends chatting between themselves and decided to scare them, since their backs were to her. Jiyoon stepped slowly, making sure her suitcase didn't make a sound before jumping on Eunmi and shouting, "BOO!"

She cackled loudly as Eunmi screamed and Soyeon froze, nearly dropping her phone. "Oh my god! I'm so going to kill you!" Eunmi said angrily, and smacked Jiyoon's arm.

"Well, the opportunity presented itself so I might as well. Hehe," Jiyoon laughed and dodged another of Eunmi's attacks. They both looked at Soyeon then and saw to their surprise that she was still frozen in shock.

"Soyeon?" Eunmi poked a finger at Soyeon's shoulder and this brought her out of her frozen state. "Are you okay? Don't tell me you were more scared than I was?"

Soyeon blinked a few times then mumbled, "Please don't do that ever again."

Eunmi and Jiyoon turned to look at each other and shrugged. They knew that Soyeon never really liked being the one that was the target of a scare but didn't know that this was the reason why. There was a shout behind them and the three turned to see what was happening. Their teachers were signaling everyone to line up to have their tickets checked and to load their luggage, and now their trip to Gyeonju was about to begin.

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