Chapter 17 - Warm Hugs and Kisses

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Crowds of people were waiting at the arrivals terminal and their voices were being carried towards his ears. It wasn’t that Luhan disliked the airport; it was just that the idol life still got on his nerves especially when it involved screaming fangirls, claustrophobic places and security guards trying to create space while holding back the hordes of fans.

But right now, Luhan wasn’t coming back to Korea from a concert overseas. Instead, he was there to pick up someone. And that someone was Jiyoon coming back from her school trip. Luhan peered around from his spot leaning on a nearby column, and checked his phone again. There was still another few minutes before Jiyoon came out since she had texted him earlier as soon as she was leaving the airport for Seoul.

Luhan put his phone back in his pocket and pulled his hat down further, covering the top half of his face. He had also chosen to wear clothes that would blend in with everyone – a black leather jacket over a red plaid shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans with sneakers. He thought he looked decent and hoped that she could recognise him easily.

When there was a sudden outburst of screams, Luhan looked up in alert, hoping that the screams weren’t for him. He had had enough screams in the past week already, with fansigns and shows. Luhan looked left and right, and saw that the screams weren’t for him and instead just a bunch of girls seeing their friends again. Following those arrivals, another group of people emerged and Luhan recognised a few as students from Jiyoon’s year group.

He pulled out his sheet of paper with her name scrawled on it hastily in permanent marker and flattened it. As soon as Jiyoon stepped out, chattering to her friends with a rather pale face he gave a shout in a voice he hoped didn’t sound like him and waved his sheet in the air.

Jiyoon looked up when she heard her name being called out and blinked in bewilderment at the large crowd. She squinted when she saw a sheet of white paper being waved around with her name written on it and saw who was holding it. Jiyoon gaped, murmured a hurried goodbye to her friends and rolled her luggage behind at a powerwalking pace.

Unexpectedly, she missed seeing him and hearing his voice, and ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him in a neck-breaking embrace with a laugh. Luhan’s eyes had widened and when his hat was nearly knocked off, he grabbed it quickly and pulled it down. “Whoa there! Did you really miss me that much?” Luhan chuckled and enfolded her in his arms tightly.

“Ew, no,” Jiyoon stuck out her tongue and pushed out of his embrace, walking over to her abandoned luggage and picking it up. Luhan raised an eyebrow, his arms hanging in the air but followed after her, making sure no-one had seen that exchange except maybe her friends and some boys who were with them staring in their direction, especially some guy wearing a dangling cross earring and dark coloured clothing.

“Come on, let’s go!” Jiyoon said, “Did you come in your car?” She walked out the doors towards the pedestrian crossing where other people were waiting as well. Taxis were parked on the curb, waiting for their next passenger as people surged about.

“Huh?” Luhan turned back to see Jiyoon already walking out the exit and hurried after her, “Hey. It’s this way,” he said, gesturing his chin in the direction of the car park across the road just as he exited the terminal. Jiyoon turned her head to see him coming towards her and together, the pair crossed the road.

Luhan slipped a hand into Jiyoon’s own one and squeezed lightly as they reached the other side. He swung their joined hands and pulled her along behind him. Jiyoon smiled a little, it seems Luhan liked to hold hands a lot. And it certainly felt nice having his large, warm hand wrapped around her own, when he suddenly pulled her a little closer and put their linked hands into his pocket.

The gesture shocked Jiyoon and she stumbled forward into Luhan’s back, bumping her forehead lightly. Luhan only chuckled and continued to pull her along until they had reached his car. She blushed to her ears and kept her eyes on the ground as she followed him silently. There goes my composure, she thought.

He looked behind him to see Jiyoon with her head down, biting on her lower lip cutely and quickly pulled out his phone to snap a picture. Luhan had decided during his week away that he should begin pre-filling the photo album with memories of the times their spent together like now and it would definitely be a pleasant surprise for her.

Luhan slipped his phone back into his pocket, shifted his hat a little higher so he could see better, and then gave a tug on Jiyoon’s hand that was in his pocket. As he had predicted, she stumbled and once again, bumped into him, only this time he was prepared and had turned so that she fell into his embrace. Jiyoon looked up, surprised and made eye contact with Luhan.

His eyes twinkled mischievously before he bent his head lower and lower. Jiyoon took in a gasp and stared wide eyed at Luhan’s approaching face – he was also watching her with much amusement.

When Luhan’s face was barely a centimetre from her own, Jiyoon squeezed her eyes shut and gulped. In her head, thoughts like, Is he going to kiss me? Oh my god, please no. But then… I hope my breath doesn’t smell! EEEEK! ran wild.

With their hearts beating furiously in their chests at the close proximity, blood pumping fast through their bodies and their breaths mixing in the air; Luhan leaned in closer to press his lips lightly against her forehead. Jiyoon’s eyes fluttered open and blinked once, twice, thrice before realising that no, Luhan did not explicitly kiss her on the lips and instead on her forehead.

Wait, WHAT?! Jiyoon thought, except she kind of said it aloud. When that also registered in her head, she covered her mouth in shock, a look of horror crossing her face. Luhan only laughed and took her suitcase in his other hand, since their hands were still connected warm and snug in his pocket.

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