Chapter Three.

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I've changed my mind about this cruise

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I've changed my mind about this cruise. Maybe it isn't so bad after all. I mean, it's still horrible because we're literally in the middle of the ocean and there's a chance that the giant sea creatures are planning their ambush to eat us. However, after last night, I'm beginning to like it here.

We stopped somewhere in Mexico in the middle of the night, meaning we have a few hours today to do whatever we want to on this little island, unless we choose to stay on board. Of course, my family isn't going to allow that.

So, I was dragged to one of the beaches, where I mainly just laid back on a lounger, reading one of the books that I brought along with me. My parents and Lacey were enjoying the water, but I'm never going to even stick a toe in that water. It doesn't matter how clear it is, or even if I can see what's at the bottom of the ocean without going under, I refuse. You never know what's going to sneak up on you, and it's extremely hard to run in water. I'm not dying just to splash around in the water.

"How's the book?" My dad breaks me out of my thoughts, and when I look up at him, I see a smile on his face and two cups, one in each hand, they hold some kind of red slushie type of drink.

"Just got to the good part." I'm lying. I haven't been reading, I've been trying to, but my own thoughts won't let me. I'm too busy reliving last night's events. My dad tries to hand me one of the cups. "What's that?"

"Margarita." I raise an eyebrow. "Don't tell your mother I gave it to you." I laugh as I lay the book down and grab the drink from his hand. "We need to talk." Shit.

My dad sits on the lounger with me, causing me to quickly pull my feet up so that he doesn't sit on them. I sip the margarita through the straw nervously, wondering if Lacey slipped and told them last night, or if this is about something totally different.

"You're moving out of the house as soon as you turn eighteen, aren't you?" Oh, thank god. "I know Lacey's not going to college, but she's moving out, I'm just wondering—"

"I'm going to college. I'll be in a dorm." I assure him, and he nods as he offers me a small smile.

"I'm not trying to kick you out before you even turn eighteen. I'm just trying to get a heads-up beforehand. It's perfectly fine if you don't move out—"

"Dad," I stop him from continuing to explain himself, "you and mom are going to have the entire house to yourself by this time next year, don't worry." He nods again, his eyes moving back to my mom and Lacey in the water. As I follow his gaze, I find my mom talking to a complete stranger and - oh, god, Lacey found a toddler that she can harass.

"I'd better go make sure your mom isn't annoying those people." He stands again, but then his eyes move to the margarita that he hasn't even had a single sip of. He sighs in defeat before he hands it over to me. "You can have it, just—"

"Don't let mom know, got it." My dad leaves me alone with two margaritas. Boy was that a mistake. These are going to be sucked down fast, and someone is probably going to need to carry me back onto the boat, and I'm going to get into trouble.

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