Shadows and Light

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In shadows cast by the moon's soft glow,

Two hearts entwined, a love aglow,

Through the ebb and flow of darkest night,

We find our solace, love's guiding light.

Hand in hand, we tread uncharted lands,

Together we walk, two hearts, two hands,

For in each other's gaze, we find,

The strength to conquer the trials assigned.

In the depths of darkness, we find the spark,

A love so fierce, it leaves its mark,

With every whispered vow we share,

We banish shadows of despair.

Through stormy seas and tempest's might,

Our love's the beacon, shining bright,

In the tapestry of time we weave,

A love that makes our spirits believe.

And when the sun's first rays ignite,

The morning sky, dispelling night,

Our love remains, a flame so pure,

A timeless bond we both endure.

So, in the dance of shadows and light,

Two souls united, taking flight,

In love's embrace, we'll forever stay,

As shadows wane and love holds sway.

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