A Symphony of Silence

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In the hush of night, a symphony begins,

A melancholy melody that darkness spins,

Two hearts entwined in bittersweet embrace,

Yet distant echoes of sorrow leave a trace.

Whispers of love in the stillness reside,

But unspoken words in hearts, they hide,

A symphony of silence, so profound,

Where tears of longing softly drown.

In every touch, a world unfolds,

Yet secrets kept, like stories untold,

Aching chords of love's lament,

In the tapestry of time, they're meant.

The stars above, witnesses in the sky,

Gaze upon us with a knowing eye,

As we dance this wistful masquerade,

In the symphony of silence, love's charade.

Each stolen moment, a precious art,

Yet fragile like a broken heart,

For fate's cruel hand has dealt its blow,

And destiny decides how love will grow.

So, we linger in this silent duet,

Hoping time will somehow reset,

But as the night surrenders to the day,

Our love's sweet song begins to fade away.

A symphony of silence, bittersweet,

In love's embrace, we find defeat,

Yet cherish every note, every strain,

For in this sorrow, love remains.

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