Enchanted Moments

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In the depths of night, our love took flight,

Enchanted moments, pure and bright,

Your touch, a spell, my heart did weave,

In the moon's soft glow, we found reprieve.

Through whispered vows, our souls aligned,

Two hearts entwined, forever bind,

Yet fate's cruel jest, it came to play,

And tore our love, in disarray.

In fleeting dreams, your face I see,

A wistful yearning, haunting me,

The echoes of laughter, now distant cries,

As we bid farewell, with tearful eyes.

In the embers of what used to be,

A symphony of love, now in debris,

Promises made, like stars above,

Lost in the dark, devoid of love.

Enchanted moments turned to ash,

Leaving scars of a love too brash,

In every breath, I feel your touch,

But you're now gone, and I miss you much.

Though memories linger, they cut like knives,

A love extinguished, no more revives,

Yet in my heart, a flame still burns,

For the love we had, my soul still yearns.

In the quiet night, I'll hold you tight,

In dreams, we'll dance, 'neath soft moonlight,

Enchanted moments, though they fade,

Forever cherished, in tears displayed.

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