Rhythms of the Soul

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In the cadence of our souls, a dance begins,

Two hearts entwined, where love always wins.

Beneath a sky of stars that softly gleam,

We find solace in each other's dream.

With every touch, a symphony ignites,

Notes of passion, like shooting lights.

In the depths of silence, our hearts converse,

As words of love emerge, free and unrehearsed.

Our souls, like rivers, merge in sweet embrace,

Flowing together with elegant grace.

Through every high and every low,

In unison, our spirits grow.

In whispered verses and tender gazes,

Our love expands, its power amazes.

Like a timeless melody that never ends,

Our bond strengthens, as it transcends.

Through stormy seas and skies of blue,

Together, we'll face what life may brew.

For in this dance of souls entwined,

A love so pure, we're sure to find.

So let the rhythm guide our way,

Through nights and days, come what may.

For in each other's arms, we're whole,

Forever bound, in rhythms of the soul.

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