चंद्र वंशः= The lineage of Chandra

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The glorious Chandra Vamsha. From Rishi Atri, was born Soma, also known as Chandra, the presiding deity of Moon, of beauty, of love, of peace and calm, of energy. Soma had a son Budha (Not Buddha) who became the human kingship from Chandra Vamsha. Budha's lineage continues, and one heir in them is Yayati. With respect to Yayati, there's a story. Yayati had a wife called Devyani, who was the daughter the Guru of Asuras, Shukracharya. Devyani had a maid servant and once she urged Yayati, that he should give her children, because he is the king and it is his duity to fulfill the desires of his subjects. After arguing hard, Yayati had to give up, and he entered into affair with that maid servant. Later, Devyani, Yayati's original wife, had two sons, and one of them was Yadu. The maid servants had three children and the youngest of them was Puru. Devyani found out that the maid Servant and her husband had an affair. Aggrieved, she complained to Shukracharya, the Asura Guru. Shukracharya was infuriated, and he, in anger, cursed Yayati of premature old age. Yayati was shocked, and he also grieved before Shukracharya, pleading him to listen to his side of the story. Upon knowing that he was forced by the maid servant, Shukracharya softened a bit, and told Yayati, if any of his sons was willing to swap ages with him, he can get back his youth age. Yayati, who was passionate about his youth, power and sexual endeavors, went to ask all his sons. Everyone straightforward declined, as youth, power and sex was important to everyone.. Except, Puru. Puru, gladly told his father that he, is not attached with material desires, and he is ready to help his dad with this curse.
They both swapped ages, and Yayati became young and healthy again. He continued to rule, and to enjoy bodily pleasures. Puru, devoted himself to silence and peace by spiritual advancement. 100 years passed like that. Yayati observed that whether it be sex or any material desire like power, kingdom or wealth, it is unending. As much as he made efforts, more the desire grew. Like a fire never becomes satisfied of fuel, desires of materials, never end... They are binding, they keep you bound to themselves, never letting you free. After 100 years, Yayati returned to his dear son Puru, and apologized for his foolish requests. He gave Puru his youth back, accepted his own old age, and made Puru his heir. The moral here is... Dont take 100 years like Yayati... Discover the truth as soon as possible.

So, in lineage, the main two sons of Yayati, were Yadu and Puru. From Yadu, the Yadava kula or dynasty came to be propelled. In Yadu's succession, one ruler came Vrishni. His lineage came to be knows as Vrishni kula, and Vrishni's one son was Shurasena. Shurasena had three sons, and one of them was Vasudeva. Vasudeva had 8 sons, but 6 of them died (How, is a part of Krishna Leela) and the 8th son of Vasudeva was Shri Krishna. This is how our main hero is arriving. Krishna's life is very long and detailed, but for context of Mahabharata, he was ruling over the Nagri or City of Dwarka. Previously he ruled over Mathura. But, Jarasandha, an enemy neighbor, kept troubling him. Krishna defeated him 18 times, but Jarasandha kept rising with armies. Krishna didn't kill him. (Why? Mahabharat...)

So, going back to Yayati, from his other son Puru, was the Paurava dynasty. Puru had a son Dushyant Maharaj. Dushyant was valorous and very very beautiful and stunning, and very akin to Dharma. His kingdom was very expanded (from current day Iran upto China) and no one was poor, or starving. Once Dushyant went for a war and while returning, tired, he came across a forest. While coming through the forest he saw a very shiny golden dea\er, and attempted to chase and take it with him. Chasing the deer, he ended up at an Ashram, at a hermitage. The head hermit or Rishi of the Ashram, was Rishi Kanva. The Ashram was so healing, relaxing and fresh, that Dushyant was overcome by curiosity to meet Rishi Kanva, who had built such a vibrant Ashram. As Dushyant entered the Parna Shala (the large space of a hermitage where religious sacrifices Yagnya are done), he saw no one. He called out "is anyone here?".

A celestial like, breathtakingly beautiful, shy lady came out, and asked in a soft, humble and mannered voice, "how may I be of help to you?". Dushyant was stunned at her beauty and gestures of manner, and he asked, "I am desirous of meeting Kanva Maharishi". The lady said, "Please be seated" she offered him seat. She brought clear water in an earthen pot (matka) and said, "Please quench your thirst. I shall bring you fruits" and thus she well served her guest. She hadn't even asked for introductions and hadn't identified him as the king. She just served the guests with full respect, like that. After making Dushyant at comfort, she sat in front of him, and began to converse. Dushyant introduced himself as the son of Puru, and as the emperor of the kingdom in which these woods were also a part. The lady, taken aback by the revelation, bowed to him, and introduced herself as Shakuntala, the daughter of Kanva Maharishi. Dushyant asked, "O lady of excellent virtues, how is it that the celibate (one who has never entered into sexual relation with anyone) Kanva Maharishi, had you as his daughter?"

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