अंबा- Amba

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As the wedding preparations kicked off, Hastinapura was caught up in a merry environment. Although Vichitraceerya was no tyrant, and nor was it that he was dislikable, still he was not the ruler people aspired for, the ruler who could protect and foster the people. He was far engaged in his personal pleasures, and heavily reliant on Bhishma and Satyvati for any ruling activities. So, people had high hopes for him to be replaced by a son of his, who could be able and more strong.
On the day of marriage though, a minor twist occured.
Amba came to Bhishma and spoke thus, "O dear son of the Kurus, O glory of Kuruvamsha, your intellect is unmatched. Your knowledge of right and wrong is unmatched. You well know of Dharma. O Devavrata, I have something to confess."
Bhishma heard attentively as the shy lady spoke thus "I am in love with the ruler of Shalva. Since the day I saw him, I have always been in love with him. I have took him to be my husband by heart. I do not desire for Vichitraveerya. Knowing thus, I leave it up to you as to what you allow me to do. I shall not be able to please your brother Vichitraveerya. For my mind shall always remain devoted to Shalva"
Bhishma was taken aback a little. This was serious revelation. To wed a woman to a man she pleases not, the women shall not bring any joy to the household. The heirs will not be healthy and loved after. A women, whose heart has been married to some other man, should not be forced to be married to someone whom she displeases. After grave thought, Bhishma declared
"Fine, princess of Kashi, Amba. I grant you complete freedom to choose your husband. You are free to go and choose Shalva Raj for your husband"
The glee on Amba's face was worth it. She would be one with her love, with her dear now.
With all due respect and pomp, Hastinapura farewelled Amba to Shoubhya, before the palace of Shalva.
What happened next, was an unprecedented twist of events though.
As Amba entered the palace, and went to meet Shalva, when she saw her dear of life, to her great shock, he turned his face away from her.
But suppressing all her raging doubts, she spoke gently "Shalva. I am here, all for you. I choose you as my husband. Let us Marry"
"No" came the voice of the young king, drenched in disgust. "I will not marry you"
The world came down on Amba. She had dared to tell Bhishma that she disregards his prince, and had come all the way from there to here, to marry Shalva, and now he says he wont!? Hadn't they loved each other?
"Why, Shalva? What happened?" She could speak no more.
"You were taken by Bhishma. He defeated me and took you away. Now, you are a taken woman. Marrying you will only bring defame and inauspiciousness to me" The king spoke, without any waiver in his voice or quiver of toungue.
"What even are you saying, Shalva? Have you forgot all the love we shared? How can you disregard me like this? I gave up the prospective pleasures of Hastinapura, for your and mine love! Don't you share the deep love for me?"
"Love? You are feeble, Amba. Of course you will be. Woman you are. Love is a mere weak feeling of weak hearts. I am a King. My fame and glory is important for me and my kingdom. My kingship presides over my love. So, you better forget me, and find someone who will agree to marry you now. Go back to Hastinapura. You have no place here."
Amba's eyes couldn't even shed tears. Her heart was numb. Broken. Hurt.
The chariot returned to Hastinapura. The wedding of Vichitraveerya was done. Amba came to Bhishma, "O Devavrata. Shalva has betrayed me. He has given up on me. He shal'nt marry me, he says.
And his reason for not marrying me is because you took me. Now, the issue of my marriage lies with you. Either have Vichitraveerya marry me, or if that isn't possible, you shall marry me"
Bhishma, utterly surprised, said in a firm tone, "O lady of Kashi, O Amba, do you realise what you speak? It was you who chose to disregard the king of Hastinapura and eent to marry the king of Shoubhya. Shalva disregarded you. That is not our fault? You should've known or gauged the attitude of Shalva. He considers you to be taken, and you have disregarded your so called takers. You are no more our responsibility.
Vichitraveerya's marriage is done. We have no need for any more bride for him. And me? Do you not know? I am celibate. I have declared to the worlds that I shall not marry. I cannot marry you.
But I do understand your grief. You kindly be patient. The king of Shalva has fresh wounds. He will get over his defeat sooner or later. Thereby, once he is over it, he will surely agree to marry you, if what you say of your love is true"
And so Amba waited. After some time, she went to Shoubhya, got rejected. She got rejected in Hastinapura. This to and fro happened several times, and for six long painstaking years, Amba faced rejections. Distraught, angered, and hurt, she decided to take matters in her own hands.

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