1. Who Are You?

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Tim Bradford had just finished a takedown when he saw a missed call and a text from Wade Grey from just a few minutes ago.

Grey: Call me

Obeying the message's request, Tim dialed the Watch Commander.

"What's going on?"

"It's Lucy," Grey sighed.

Tim's heart dropped at the tone of voice the other man used.

"She'll be okay, but they're wheeling her into an ambulance right now," Grey reported.

"Where is she?"

Panicking despite Wade's assessment, Tim raced towards the crime scene where Lucy was. She was close enough it only took a few minutes to drive over, but it felt like an eternity. Lucy was hurt. He needed to see for himself how bad the damage was.

He barely parked the car and almost tripped over himself as he stumbled into the back of the ambulance.

"Hey, baby," he breathed as his eyes studied her body. A few scrapes on her hands, a cut on her forearm, a split lip, and bleeding in her hairline, but her eyes were open. She was awake, and the second his eyes locked on hers, Tim felt somewhat relieved.

One paramedic was treating the wound on her hand while Tim tucked some hair behind her ear and finally smiled at her.

"Who are you?" Lucy asked, her voice sounded small and uneven in her own ears as she looked at the man leaning over her with love radiating from his eyes.

"What?" He asked.

Sure, he was handsome and clearly sweet by the way he held her hand. But, still, she did not think she had ever met him before. "Am I supposed to know who you are?"

"Lucy, this isn't funny."

"I'm not joking," she insisted and pulled her hand away from the strange man.

Tim bashfully looked over at the paramedic to explain, "She knows who I am. This is all a misunderstanding. I'm her fiancée."

"Did you say fiancée?" Lucy almost laughed. Her boyfriend is NOT this guy, and she did not see herself getting engaged to who she is currently seeing. He's good company, but nothing more. Still, HE should be notified that she is in an ambulance. "Where's John?" She asked.

"John? John Nolan?" He questioned to clarify.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend. You can't be my fiancée."

Tim almost swallowed his tongue, because what alternate universe had he just entered?

The ambulance parked in front of St. Stephens Hospital, and she was whisked away to be evaluated by a doctor while Tim just stood there wondering what Lucy was talking about. How hard had she hit her head?

❤︎ ♾️ ❤︎ ♾️ ❤︎ ♾️ ❤︎ ♾️ ❤︎

Lucy's head was throbbing after all of the doctors shined lights in her eyes, made her sit still inside machines, drew her blood, tested her reflexes, quizzed her memory with flashcards, and more tests that absolutely drained her energy.

She was wheeled back into her hospital room where that man who said he was her fiancée was pacing the floor.

"Hi," he greeted her happily.

The stranger looked so thrilled to see her, and she felt guilty that she had no idea who he is. "I'm sorry, I...what's your name?" His eyes were downcast for a moment as his jaw tightened, and her heart stuttered at the clear pain he was trying to hide.

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