14. Epilogue: Better and Better

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Lucy's memory has never been perfect, but now she felt she had a new excuse for forgetting.

Tim helped her unload the groceries and clicked his tongue when he saw the new package of dog treats. "Luce, I told you not to get any more treats for Kojo. You can't keep spoiling him so much."

"I don't remember you saying that," she shot back with the hint of a smirk.

"Oh, really? You don't remember?" He asked sarcastically.

"Mhm," Lucy hummed and knew he definitely didn't believe her, but she figured she could kiss him until he forgot all about the situation, so she rose up on her toes to press her lips to his. The way he leaned into her indicated he was willing to forget.

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"What are you watching?" Tim asked when he walked into their living room to find her staring at something unexpected on the TV.

"Our true crime documentaries," Lucy answered.

"That's what you decided to do on your day off?"

"I forgot how cute we used to be."

"You forgot?" He sunk into the couch beside her, and she automatically threw her legs over his lap and snuggled into his side.

"When we sorta broke up, I used to fast forward to our interviews to see us together, and I know it doesn't make a lot of sense, but it was oddly comforting to watch our banter."

"Are you watching this now, because you miss our banter?"

"No, just wanted to take a trip down memory lane I guess."

"Okay, well fast forward to the part where you embarrass yourself by singing that Flex & Flow song."

"That wasn't embarrassing! I got all the lyrics right. That's impressive."

"You're ridiculous," he smiled and pulled her closer. He felt her stiffen against him and looked at her widened eyes. "Did you just remember something?"

"Yes! I'll be right back!" Lucy left the living room and bounded upstairs. She returned with something behind her back. "We pretty much filled up our photo book, so I may have gotten us a new one."

"We wouldn't need a new one if you stop obsessing over taking pictures of everything."

"I'm not gonna stop chronicling our story any time soon, and besides, this one marks a new chapter," she held out the album for him to look at the cover.

He read in large letters: BABY'S 1ST YEAR

"A...baby?" Tim asked breathlessly.

"A baby," she confirmed.

The album ended up falling from his hands in favor of picking Lucy up and spinning her around in his excitement, but the small dent in the spine was just another part of their story. A memory tied to the moment Tim found out he was going to be a dad.

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Between shallow breaths, Lucy asked angrily through gritted teeth, "What do you mean you FORGOT the go bag?"

Tim was pretty sure he was about to have a broken finger from the way she was squeezing his hand, but he didn't care. "I'm so sorry. Angela's going to the house right now to get it. I can't believe I forgot."

"I'm the one who had amnesia and pregnancy brain. I trusted YOU to remember the go bag!" She reminded him frustratedly as another contraction radiated through her body.

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