6. The Love of Your Life

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The last thing Tim wanted to do was spend hours calling people to cancel his wedding to Lucy. Luckily, Angela came over to help place calls with a sympathetic look on his face.

Lucy seemed to have woken up in a good mood at least. She acted comfortable around Tim even if she was clueless about how to navigate their house. It was kind of her to offer to help cancel, but calling people who were happy to hear from her whose voices and names she did not recognize made her feel guilty and uncomfortable- Tim could tell. As an act of mercy, he suggested, "You know what, babe, I think Kojo could use a walk. Can you take him?"

"Really? You don't mind?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"He's OUR dog. Of course I don't mind."

"I just assumed for some reason that he was yours."

"Technically, he was yours first, then I adopted him from you, but now he's ours."

"Sounds like a complicated story," she furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Not really. You wanted a dog, but you were a rookie, so you couldn't handle the responsibility of a new pet while going through some vigorous training. I took him off your hands, which I was very grateful for, but you've always treated him like he's still your dog. Even before we started dating."

"Aww," she smiled. "Well, I don't know the route, but I would love to take him for a walk. Come on, Kojo!" Lucy practically bounced out the door with their dog at her side, his tail wagging happily.

Tim watched them leave and then looked over at Angela who was making a curious face. "What?"

"You conveniently left out the part where Kojo was adopted after she was buried alive," Angela pointed out.

"I don't feel like constantly bringing up her trauma is a good idea. The one gift about this amnesia is she doesn't remember Caleb."

"That's true, but it must suck. Constantly having to explain everything to her, and then explaining it to her again the next day."

"Really I don't mind."

"It's been 4 days. You don't mind now, but what about in 44 days?"

"We'll figure it out. The note to read in the morning really helps, and she gets more comfortable around me everyday, which I'm not exactly sure how that's possible, but it's nice. Plus, she remembers stuff all the time. That's a good sign that her neural pathways are healing or whatever her neurologist said. I think she'll get her memories back."

"And I hope you're right, but until she does..." she bit her lip.

"Just spit it out, Ang."

"This has to be hard on you. She's one of your best friends, and your fiancée. She doesn't sleep in the same bed as you, and she won't even wear her engagement ring!"

"I don't need her to wear a ring for me to know we'll be okay. She kissed me yesterday."

"A kiss she doesn't remember."

"That's not the point! The point is, I can rebuild our friendship and our relationship. Amnesia be damned. I just need her."

"What does that mean?"

"When I realized I had feelings for her, all I had was time in the shop with her and maybe a few hangouts with everyone. I didn't get to wake up and make breakfast with her or have her fall asleep in my arms watching a stupid cooking show. I didn't get to see her smile whenever I wanted to. I used to DREAM of a life like this with her, so yeah, Ang, she doesn't remember everything, but what I still have is more than enough."

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