11. That's Called Love

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The weight of an arm draped over her side and a firm body pressed to Lucy's back was an odd sensation for her to wake up to, but something inside her told her not to panic. She angled her head to see a very handsome man sleeping next to her, and she wondered how she wound up in bed with him. She HAS a boyfriend, and it's not this HOT stranger.

A file folder with "LUCY READ ME!" written on the front drew her attention, and she let go of the t shirt in her hands to strain to reach for the folder while not moving too much and disturbing the man behind her. Lucy read the information and gasped at the fact that she has amnesia and short term memory loss, but then she read about TIM. The man holding onto her in sleep, and every single line about him made her like him more and more.

But then she read the last line:

Your memory loss is hurting him. You have to let him go, because you love him.

Guilt overwhelmed her as she thought about it. Of course losing her memories and not being able to recall new ones could be a challenge for any relationship, and if Lucy loves him, she does not want to hurt him. Her eyes shut as she remembered something terrible and then how Tim had comforted her in the aftermath, which made her feel so deeply loved. She turned slowly in his arms and gently bumped her knees into his as she faced him.

"Baby," Tim mumbled sleepily and pulled her tighter to him.

Lucy buried her face into his shoulder and reveled in his scent while her eyes watered. She had already made the decision to leave him, but surely she did not have to go anywhere just yet.

Tim finally opened his eyes to see the way she was clinging to him. "Hey, are you okay?" He whispered, noting her tight grasp.

She nodded and tried to keep her voice even when she answered, "Just hold me, please."

"If you need to talk about something..." he heard her sniffle and rubbed her back. "Okay, Luce." He put his lips to the top of her head and whispered, "You're safe. You're alive. I love you."

Even though she barely knew him, Lucy quickly choked out, "I love you, too." Because, she knows she does. Not just because of the words she had read in her own writing, but because of the overwhelming way her body responded to him. Butterflies in her stomach could not stop fluttering around. Her heart was beating oddly. Her hands were desperate to touch him. His scent brought on an overwhelming calm. Never had Lucy ever felt this way about someone, but she knew it must be love.

Tim kept his eyes closed and his grip on her tight as he just patiently waited for her to be ready to talk.

If she could, she would have stayed in bed and in his arms forever, but her note to herself was at the forefront of her mind. When she finally managed to gather enough strength, Lucy lifted her head away from Tim to look into his eyes. "Tim," she breathed out. She liked saying his name so much that she felt a smile forming just from the single syllable.

"You wanna talk about it or need something else?" He asked and wiped at her damp cheeks.

"I don't know how to say it," she admitted.

"It's okay, baby. We can stay here as long as you want. We're off shift today and don't have any plans."

She knew she shouldn't be seeking comfort from the man whose heart she was about to break, but it was hard to leave his arms, and his bed, and HIM. "I..." Lucy tried to find the words and looked down to see her firm grip on the front of his shirt. Perhaps it would be easier if she was not in bed with him, so she scooted away and stood up while he lifted himself up into a seated position. His hair was rumpled, his shirt showed where she had been tugging harshly at the fabric, his eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue, and Lucy already wanted to fling herself back into his arms. Wow, she realized she must REALLY love him. "I have to go," she said, her voice strained.

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