5. Have Your Six

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Tim felt the exact moment when Lucy's arms dropped away from him and her lips were wrenched away from his. He didn't expect Lucy's voice to come out horrified and hateful.

"Oh my God! You're a JERK! I can't believe I ever fell for you!" She said.

He stared at her in surprise. He did not know what to say. He actually was unsure IF he could speak. Tim made a confused noise deep in his throat as her heart dropped, knowing that Lucy probably remembered a moment he regrets.

She took another step back. It was slow as if she was trying not to spook him with a sudden movement. "I can't...I don't want to be here with you."

"Whatever you remembered..."

"I remembered how mean you were to some people we pulled over. You terrorized them!"

Tim blew out a breath and winced, perfectly recalling one of his choices as a cop that he has since deeply regretted. "Listen, that wasn't me."

"Your doppelgänger said all that stuff then?" She shot back sarcastically.

"I wish that was Jake."

"Whose Jake?"

"My doppelgänger, Jake Butler. He's dead now."

"You seriously have a doppelgänger?" She didn't necessarily believe the absurd comment.

"Yes, and you do, too, but that's not the point. I wish I could apologize to the people we pulled over on your first day. I told you as much a few years ago. I never should have done something so terrible. It was wrong."

"Wrong? You were being a hateful ass!"

"I know, Lucy, and I don't have a good excuse for my actions. All I can say is that I've learned my lesson, and I've never done anything like that since."

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Yes, because you were a good influence on me. You gave me perspective no one else ever gave me. You changed me for the better the same way you've changed everyone you love for the better."

"How am I supposed to believe you?"

"Believe yourself," he sighed and walked deeper into their bedroom to present her with a picture.

Lucy took a closer look and recognized the lookout point. The selfie was captured on one of her favorite hiking trails where she had her arms draped around Tim and Kojo. They looked genuinely happy in one of her favorite places.

"This was the first time we went to your favorite lookout point. We had been friends for a while, but we have just started dating when we took this picture. Look how happy we are. Look how happy you are with me. You're a great judge of character, Lucy. You know me. The real me. Better than anyone else. And even though you know all the good and the bad, you love me anyways."

"The good and the bad?" She wondered.

"I have a past, Lucy. Some things I couldn't control, and other stuff that I'm not proud of. I've told you everything. You'll always know everything. I don't hide anything from you."

She nodded. His logic made sense. Of course, she has always had bad taste in men, but she has never actually agreed to MARRY any of them. Surely Tim must be different. At least she hoped given the magnetism of his presence and the memories filling frames all around the house that show them smiling and happy. Clearly, her body yearns for his touch, and he smiles at her lovingly, and they've built such a beautiful life together it seems. That must count for something. "Tim, I...I'm so confused. I don't know what to think of anything. I don't even know who to turn to right now."

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