1. Hiraeth

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Hiraeth: "a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past."

It has been half a year since the terrible incident occurred. Jae-in's journey has been challenging, having to readjust to even the simplest of tasks. She's had to accept the reality of only having one eye and rediscover how to walk after the bullet fragment hit her spine.

Jae let out a heavy sigh as she glanced at the wheelchair by her hospital bed. The thought of having to rely on it for long-distance travel and a crutch for shorter distances filled her with dread. With a tinge of frustration, she reached for the crutch and made her way to the bathroom. Pausing at the sink, she couldn't bring herself to meet her own gaze in the mirror. Gripping the bathroom counter, Jae acknowledged that she would need to come to terms with and embrace her new reality.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, dreading the moment she would have to face her reflection. Reluctantly, she forced herself to look into the mirror, only to be met with shock as her eyes widened. Her light brown hair, which had grown past her shoulders during her time in the hospital, framed her face, and one reddish-brown eye stared back at her. Tears immediately welled up in her eyes and streamed down her cheeks as she reached up with a shaky hand to touch her face, then brought it to cover her mouth. Jae had known she couldn't see out of her left eye, but she hadn't realized it was completely gone.

"Disgusting," she murmured softly, her gaze fixed on the deep scar that covered her eye and a quarter of her face. Tears welled up in Jae's eye as memories of the incident came flooding back. Soon, her tears were flowing uncontrollably, and she began to sob.

"Why... Why was I the only one to make it out alive? Why am I still here?" Jae's anguished cry echoed through the bathroom, her hands trembling as tears blurred her vision. The memory of her brother's lifeless body and the barrel of the gun pointing at her flooded her mind, causing her breathing to quicken and her chest to tighten. Gasping for air, she desperately pleaded for the overwhelming emotions to go away. This was the second panic attack she had suffered since arriving at the hospital. She struggled to find relief, eventually resigning herself to endure it until it subsided.

"Ma'am, are you in there?" The nurse's voice called through the bathroom door. Jae quickly wiped her face, flushed the toilet, and turned on the sink.

"I'm in here, just using the bathroom," She replied. She ran the water and splashed her face, refreshing herself.


"Here are your meds for today," She said, handing Jae two pills and a glass of water.

"I gave the rest of your prescription to your mother. She's waiting outside," She added, glancing at the crutch she was leaning on.

"You'll need to use a wheelchair when you leave. It's hospital policy. Do you have any questions before you go?" She asked with a smile. Jae looked at the door and then thought of her eye.

"Actually, could you possibly wrap this for me?" She asked, pointing to her eye.

"Of course, no problem," the nurse replied with a nod.


Her mother pushed her down the hospital corridor, the faint sound of the wheels on the tiled floor echoing in the heavy silence.

"Jin's funeral went well. Many people attended, including your Uncle's pack and even Madison and Kenna's pack." Her mother's voice trailed off, filled with hesitation.

"Simone came too. The medication and therapy your mom is on are working really well."

"I don't care." Jae cut her off immediately, gripping the crutch she was holding. Her mother bit the inside of her cheek, looking at the back of her daughter's head.

Silent RetributionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang