3. Anagapesis

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Anagapesis: "no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved."

6 months ago

"Everyone's guard is low today. You should be able to get past the guards." For the past twelve months, Charlotte and Simone have been making plans for Simone's escape.

"Do you know where you're going after this?" Charlotte felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she realized that it wouldn't be easy to see her now. Simone paused for a moment, then took both of Charlotte's hands in hers and brought them to her lips.

"I don't know yet. But I'll let you know when I do." She kissed her knuckles and then brought their hands back down, still holding them.


"A letter, maybe?" Charlotte rolled her eyes and huffed, making Simone laugh.

"I'll find you okay?" Charlotte gazed at their hands with sadness, not wanting to let go. Suddenly, Simone released her grip and cupped Charlotte's cheeks and leaned in to kiss her. Simone's kiss sent a jolt of electricity through Charlotte's body as she felt her heart race and her breathing quicken. She could feel the warmth of Simone's mouth, and her body seemed to melt into hers as Simone's tongue explored it.

"Mm w-wait." Charlotte broke the kiss, breathing heavily,

"I should get going n-" Simone was lost in the moment as she watched Charlotte's redden lips move when she was talking. She slowly moved her hand to the back of her head, running her fingers through her hair before leaning her head closer to Charlotte's and kissing her more passionately. Simone slowly slid her hands down her back, making their way underneath the hem of her skirt. Gently, she grabbed her ass, the warmth of her fingers sending a tingling sensation through Charlotte's body. With her hands now firmly cupping her ass, Simone pulled her closer as Charlotte gasped in pleasure. She began to grind her hips, pushing herself against Simone, and Simone moved her hands in slow circles, pressing and kneading her ass.

"You wore a skirt on purpose, didn't you?" She planted a kiss on her neck, lingering for a moment before picking her up and carrying her over to the bed. Gently, she bent her over the edge of the bed and then lifted up her skirt, revealing her ass that was on full display for her.

"Admit it. You're not even wearing underwear. Do you want me to fuck you?" She rubbed her ass gently making Charlotte moan.

"Yes, please." Her face was flushed while she moved her hips back slightly. Simone grabbed the back of her neck, pressing her down on the bed.

"I'll make it quick then."


Charlotte smiled to herself while she was writing in her journal, she decided to write everything they've done together in it. She hoped that by doing so, it would make all of their experiences together seem more tangible and real when she read it back. Charlotte finished up the last part, put the date, then got up and put her journal inside of her pillowcase. It's been a couple of hours since she left the dungeon, she was wondering where Simone went and how she was doing. A deep sigh escaped her lips. Charlotte couldn't help but miss her already.

She got up and exited her room and decided to go hang out with Jae-in she always made her laugh when she was upset. As she walked down the hallway, she heard commotion coming from the direction of the Boss's office. She was curious and decided to investigate. When she got closer, she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, so she looked around the area. That's when she noticed the Boss's secretary talking to one of the guards. She had gotten to know him a little bit, so she approached him to find out what was going on.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" She asked he glanced at her he visibly looked stressed and shaken up.

"You didn't hear?" Charlotte shook her head.


Charlotte sprinted through the hospital, scanning the name plates on the doors as she passed. She didn't have time to wait around as the front desk was crowded. Her eyes were wide and filled with worry, remembering what he said.

"An intruder who breached the company premises shot Jae-in and Jin-sun. They're both in the hospital right now." Tears formed in her eyes while she turned the corner, then saw Jin-sun's name plate. Relief washed over her, but that didn't last long when she got closer, and a loud beep was heard. She opened the door, but the doctors didn't seem to notice as they were too preoccupied with reviving him enough to get him to surgery. Charlotte stifled her gasp with her hand, tears streaming down her face, and stepped backward. The doctors then stopped, draping a sheet over his head. She averted her gaze before turning on her heel and running back down the hallway. Her vision blurred from the fluorescent lighting, the loud beeping still ringing in her ears,

"Jae.. please still be alive." She pleaded, looking at the name plates again, then saw hers. She swallowed, below her name it said, 'In Surgery.' Letting out a shaky breath, she leaned up against the wall and then fell down to her knees covering her face while uncontrollable tears rushed down her cheeks.

"You killed our children!" Charlotte lifted her head up, recognizing that voice it was their mother's; the Boss. 'Our children?' She thought to herself, wiping the tears away slowly walking up to the room that was across from where she was at. Jae-in has brought up her second mom before, but all she said was that she abandoned them when they were five. The door was opened about an inch or two she peeked in, seeing the Boss standing by the side of the hospital bed talking to another person who was sitting up on the bed. Charlotte couldn't see the person from this angle because their head was turned to the side.

So that's their other mom? That one that shot them - When the woman faced the Boss, Charlotte was taken back. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw that it was Simone speaking. Charlotte was so stunned that she wasn't able to comprehend what Simone had said. Hearing a gasp, the Boss glanced towards the door. Charlotte, startled by the sudden movement, quickly moved out of the way of the door and flattened herself against the hallway wall. Her heart raced as she heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door. Not wanting to be caught, she bolted down the hallway.

She locked herself in her room, falling down to the floor in a state of shock.

"I let her out." She whispered, tears flowing down her cheeks again as she turned to her bed, grabbing her journal.

"It's my fault. It's my fault. Jin-sun and Jae, I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry." She sobbed.

After that, Charlotte chose to relocate to her parents' place. Fortunately, they were a part of Jae-in's Uncle's pack, so she didn't need to travel far. She was too ashamed to face the Boss or anyone.

Charlotte woke up in a hospital bed she rubbed her eyes confused but then remembered what had happened. She turned her head smelling a familiar scent, Jae-in was sitting in a chair next to her slumped over asleep she laughed to herself since she was too tall for the chair, and she looked uncomfortable. She sighed softly, not wanting to disturb her sleep, and rose from the bed. She quickly slipped on her clothes from earlier before tiptoeing out of the room. She had to see Simone right away, and it could not wait any longer. It was now or never, no more avoiding the situation.

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