2. Eleutheromania

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Eleutheromania: "an intense and irresistible desire for freedom."

Charlotte walked down the hallway, feeling a lot of emotions. She felt a sense of guilt, happy that Jae survived and is glad that it was her between the two. Charlotte rubbed her neck, stopping in front of the room, where they kept the cremated remains of the families loved ones. She walked in, going up to Jin's, looking at the picture above it.

"I remember this picture." She smiled, Jae took it when they were all hanging out. Charlotte was helping her get the right angle and lighting.

Her smile faded, remembering that awful day.

"I'm so sorry Jin-sun please forgive me. I didn't know who she was." Charlotte whispered.

For two years, Charlotte has been going down to the dungeons secretly, up until 6 months ago. She was writing a story about a human spending the rest of their life in prison for a crime they didn't do and needed some references. She knew the dungeon wasn't like a real prison, but it was the closest she could get.

2 years ago
Charlotte held her journal to her chest and walked down the stairs, and decided to go down to the lower level because the guards didn't go down there. It was humid and somewhat dark since no light could get down so far. She peeked around the corner seeing rows of empty cells.

"This is close enough." Shrugging, going up to one and felt the metal, it was cold and rusted. She wiped her hand on her jeans and started walking to the end.

"Aren't you far away from home, little Omega." A woman's voice spoke, making Charlotte jump and immediately look to her right. A tall woman with long dark brown hair was sitting up on the bed that was in there picking at her nails. Her skin was tanned, and you could see the outline of her muscles underneath her tight shirt. This woman reminded her of Jae-in, but her body was slightly smaller, and she looked to be middle-aged.

She panicked, not knowing there was a prisoner down this far. They made eye contact, making Charlotte's face turn red. She was her type. Squeezing her journal closer to her chest, her body started to get hot, and her face was flushed.

"You -" The woman stopped, getting up from the bed. All she could smell was this Omegas heat.

"Is this some sort of trap?" She asked laughing, then started releasing her pheromones.

"N-no I'm. I'm sorry I'll go -" Charlotte started to turn to leave.

"If you open this cell, I'll take care of you. The keys are to your right." Charlotte stopped and inhaled the scent of the woman's pheromones, gazing at her with curiosity.

"Y-you're an Alpha?"

"Yes." She looked at this woman more she was tall, but Jae-in was taller. She doesn't really look like an alpha, but her pheromones say otherwise.

"Now, are you going to open this cell, or are you just going to stand there."

"Oh, um." She swallowed. This woman's gaze was so intense, making her feel as if she was staring right through her. This intense gaze made her feel a strange flutter in her stomach and a warmth in her lower abdomen. Giving in, Charlotte put her journal and small bag down on the floor and then went over to where the keys were. She was aware that the woman was watching her every move, looking for any sign of hesitation or doubt in her actions. The woman's watchful gaze made Charlotte feel uncomfortable.

"How old are you?" Charlotte paused when she heard the question. She glanced up and saw a confused look on the woman's face. Realizing why she had been watching her,

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