Akuto Katsuro Origin Pt.2

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Akuto Katsuro POV:

"I'm heading out!"

My Mother told me and my Father. She was going out to help her robbery pals to rob a bank. I know it's a typical event, but my parents aren't just thief's or robbers...

There Villains

"Okay, good luck!" Father shouted out, making Mother nod to his comment.

"Uh yeah, good luck Mother, your going to do great!" I told Mother, she didn't even turn in my direction nor give me a sign, instead she shut the door on her way out.

Mother always had hated me. Ever since my birth, she had nothing but disgust for me. When I try to make her like me, she would hate me for it or would hit me for even trying to be on her good side. Mother would always tell me that, "I will never be liked by her and no matter how much I try to make her like me, it would always come up short for her." I still do even when she tells me the harsh truth.

I know it's dumb and doesn't make sense for me to keep trying to make her like me. But maybe there's hope that she will come around and like me?

While Mother is gone, me and Father are in the living room. Father was watching the news on the TV, while I was playing with my stuffed animals. Usually I play with my stuff animals so that I'm not bored or think about things that may make me sad.

During my time playing with my stuff animals, the News started to report on a robbery happening at the moment. I look up to see Mother on the TV with a mask on her along with other robbers. They were fleeing the scene from what the News was showing. I look at the TV in curiosity, usually Mother and her robbery pals never get themselves caught on the News...

"The heroes are on the scene now!"

The News Reporter said, me and Father seeing the camera turn to the heroes that are close behind Mom and her robber pals.

I look at the screen in worry along with Father. He looked more worried than me. I was worrying that he was gonna get a stroke from it.

We see Mother use her psychic quirk (her eyes glow when she uses it). She starts grabbing paper bombs that she had and through it at the direction of the heroes. It made the heroes falter there pace, but they got back on track once the smoke dispersed.

"The heroes got hit by a material that is close to a bomb, thankfully they got back on there feet and are seconds away from catching the robbers!"

Me and Father started leaning close to the screen.

"Stop, Now!"

One of the heroes said to Mother.


Mom tched out, running faster than before.

One of the heroes reaches his hand out to Mother's shirt, but fails.

"Come On...!" Father muttered out, anger and fear evident in his voice.

Me and Father watch in anticipation. I than see the hero had caught Mother by her shirt, yanking her back forcefully.

The other robbers left without even looking back. The heroes eventually caught them and tackled them onto the ground.

"The heroes had caught the robbers, I repeat the heroes had caught the robbers!"

The News Reporter stated, showing us a view of Mother in cuffs and being taken to a police car that showed up not too long ago on the scene.

"Let go of me!"

Mother shouted out, venom in her tone.

"You have the right to remain silent!"

The police officer said, irritation in his voice. They shoved Mother in the police car and started to turn on the police car. Once the police man did, they took off with Mother and the other robber pals of hers.

I was so focus on the TV screen that I didn't even see Father throw the controller at it and broke the TV. I yelped in surprise. I than see Father yell out in anger and started throwing and breaking the furniture in the living room.

I quickly get up and tug my father's shirt.

"Father please stop! She'll come back! We just got to-ah!" I was trying to reassure my Father, but before I can finish, Father slaps me across the face. The slap made me stumble onto the floor.

"You piece of sh**! She won't come back! Once she got caught, it was over for her! You are a disappointment! Ever since your Mother gave birth to you, it has brought nothing, but unfortunate circumstances!" Father told me, making me tear up a bit from what he was telling me. "You are a disgrace!!!" Father yelled out to me, continuing his rampage of anger and despair.

I ran to my room, hiding myself in a corner. I sat down, arm crossed on my knees. I lowered my head, flinching every time Father broke or yelled something random out. I started crying, wishing that Father can stop his rampage.

Why do I have to deal with this...?!

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