Akuto Katsuro Goes To The Arcade!

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Akuto Katsuro POV:

Today is the day to go to the Arcade with Eri! I'm so excited! Not only am I going to the arcade for the very first time, I am also going to the arcade with Eri! Could this day get any better!!

Anyway, I get dress, eat breakfast, and wait until Eri is done doing her morning routine.

I decide while I'm waiting, to look around the  U.A. to see what type of buildings they had and so I know the area if something happens that I know which areas to go to.

As I look around I breeze picked up which caused me to not see for a second...

As I open my eyes after the breeze blew away..

A Dark Figure stand in front of me...the figure seemed to have on a black hoodie, black long pants, red and white shoes. The figure seemed tall and it looked like the figure had a masculine body size. Which means he must be a guy.

I than look to see he had white pair of gloves on him, not sure why he did, but I'm sure whatever the reason is, won't be a good one.

I quickly tumble back, trying to run away from the man. He quickly grabbed me and drugged me to a nearby forest area. There he slammed again a tree, each gloved hand on the side of my face.

I went to go scream but than I get a kick in the gut, causing me to cough some saliva out from the impact.

"If you start screaming your little head off, it will be the last...do you understand?" The man told me, giving me a full on look of his face.

He looked scary, he had all these scratch marks on him, light pale blue hair, very pale white skin that made me almost think he was a ghost and dark red eyes that would give me nightmares tonight.

I nod at the man, listening to what he told me.

"Now that I found you...I want to have a little chat with you." He said, making me nervous as to what he wants to talk to me about. "A growing villain called Kowai has a potential heir that once she retires that the heir will take her place...so, what are you going to do once she retires..?" The man asked me, causing me to look at him weirdly.

"What do you mean...I'm not going to be the next heir, I never even heard of me becoming the next heir after Kowai retires!" I say to the man, causing me to hyperventilate on the spot.

"Wait...your saying that this whole time, you never once been told that you'll be the next heir?!" The man said, aggressively shaking me.

I look at him in fear. "Yes!" I said to him, as I am sweating profusely.

The man eventually stopped shaking me and started to look down on the ground, contemplating something.

I look down on the ground too, thinking about what I just been told.

"Sigh, it seems that I'll just have to come back to ask you this again since you don't have anything to tell me about your next course of actions right now.." The man said letting me go and starting to head off. "Don't think this is over, I'll come back to hear your next course of actions, Little Future Heir...don't disappoint me..." The man told me, all of a sudden, a teleport hole appeared in front of the man, he goes in and than the teleport hole slowly disappears, leaving no traces of the man that was just here with me.

I quickly walk back to the U.A. area. Once I did, I thought about everything that just happened a few minutes ago..

The next Heir..? There's no way that I am!! I can't be! I just escaped that time of my life! What am I gonna do? Should I tell the adults? No! They'll probably think that this whole time I've been tricking them and than I'll have to see Eri and her face of sadness once she hears all of that. I'm just keep it a secret, the man will come back and hopefully it will be the last time that he does!

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