Friend Zoned

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Oh lord...I have to get out of here! I raised my hand and asked permission to use the restroom just as the health video began describing the process of fertilization. I have heard this speech one too many times! I rounded my way out of the dark classroom and into the hallway. I was drinking some water when I heard footsteps behind me. I expected them to keep on walking, but the footsteps stopped right next to me. Well, if they we're going to stand behind me and wait for a drink, be my guest because I'm taking my time. It seems as if this mystery person had a different idea...They leaned against the wall all cool and shit and smiled down at me.

"Oh...Hey Antonio..." I frowned, this dumb ass was nothing but bad news.

He flashed me that stupid smile at me that every girl swoons over, "Hola Lovino. Long time no talk huh?"

"I was actually hoping we could keep it that way" I rolled my eyes. "Okay, let's get this over with. What the hell do you want" I'm pretty sure you could hear the aggravation in my voice because I was trying pretty damn hard to make it obvious!

He giggled...the dude actually giggled. "Same old Lovino huh? I just wanted to chat! There's no harm in that is there? Why can't I come and say hello to an old friend?"

I know that look...I know that tone...something's up. "Don't bull shit me you bastard. I know you well enough to know when you've got something going on through that useless brain of yours, so just save both of us the time and tell me what's up"

Antonio frowned and leaned forward so we were eye to eye. Believe it or not, this big teddy bear can actually become a scary mother fucker. I stood straighter, gotta keep my cool and can't show him I'm intimidated. Not that I'm intimidated! Fuck no, I'm not scared of shit! I just...Oh fuck it, whatever.

"I've been hearing around that you've been spending quite a lot of time with Esmeralda. Is this true Lovino?" shit. I should probably run...No Lovino! Be

I rolled my eyes, "Oh come on! You can't possibly still be obsessed with her. Yeah I've been spending time with her, but chill out, it's not like I'm smooching her face off or anything!"

Antonio narrowed his eyes and I'm pretty sure I gulped. "You better not be, and I'm not obsessed. I just know what's rightfully mine and I have to keep it that way. She's mine, don't forget that. And if I ever do catch you smooching her face off, you got another thing coming", and with that, he turned around and walked away.

"You're such a possessive freak you know. She's not an object and it looks like you're doing shitty job seeing that she's with Alfred and not you!" I should really learn to think before I speak.

He turned back around and walked towards me, all six feet and all. "You're right Lovino, she's not an object, she's the love of my life and don't ever call me a freak again, you hear me?" he glared down at me, ignoring the part where she was with that stupid blond boy and not him. I nodded slowly and he lit up, giving me a toothy grin. What the actual fuck. He ruffled my hair and giggled. "You're so understanding Lovino, thanks man!" then he pranced away. Okay...what just happened. My ex best friend just threatened me for hanging out with his ex girlfriend who I many or may not be seriously crushing on but she's dating an American who's always eating and not to mention beat me up a couple of days ago. Damn.

I walked back to class, taking the long way thinking about what Antonio just said. Jeez, what has my life come to? It's like someone took it and let it spiral around them like a demented ballerina. I sighed and opened the door, taking my seat with no one noticing me. Thank every all mighty power that the class ended shortly after. School was over and I really had no plans...Santino gave Esmeralda and I the day off and I really had no intentions on going home right now. I said goodbye to Feliciano and began walking around aimlessly. I heard voices and I creeped around the corner like a fucking stalker, but a cool stalker, with really cool spy music playing in my head. I saw Esmeralda with Gilbert and Francis. No one else was around so I was able to hear everything they said. Is eavesdropping wrong? Hell yeah. Do I give a fuck? Hell no.

"So I guess I'm just incapable of feeling love huh?" Esmeralda crossed her arms and let a strand of hair fall over her face.

"Oh no no no! No body is incapable of love! It is something everyone will feel! No one is not meant for love, that's crazy!" Francis grabbed her shoulders and she rolled her eyes.

"I figured you'd say something like that. Look. Esmeralda. I know you've been lied to and deceived with most of your experience with love, but you really just need to leave Alfred. For good. He's wasting your time and blocking you from finding your true man. He could be just around the corner for all we know. Shit, don't get so down, I know he's out there" Gilbert tried to reason with her and I felt my heart stop.

I was around the corner...No, this had to be coincidental and not some stars in alignment destiny trap. I listened closely as they continued to talk.

"And besides, you're still young. There are plenty of guys out there. Now, they wont be as awesome as me, but they'll be perfect for you. How about that Vargas kid? Lovino. I see you guys have been getting pretty chummy. So how about it? You got the hots for him or what" Gilbert nudged her shoulder and holy fucking shit was that a blush on her face!

She smiled softly and shook her head. "No, Lovino's pretty cool and all but he's just a friend I guess. Well...I guess we're friends. I don't know actually, he's kind of weird" ouch, fine be that way. So she considers us friends? I felt myself light up but then I remembered she just said she wasn't sure if I considered her mine, friendships don't happen if only one person puts in effort, just saying from experience.

Francis laughed lightly, "Love works in mysterious ways my dear. He could very well be the one, you will find out in time. Do me a favor and let love take its course, be patient with it. Promise me you'll keep your heart open".  She nodded, does that mean she's agreeing with that perv? That she's taking into consideration that I could be this so called 'one'. Am I though? Crap, I hate these conflicting feelings. I guess it's pretty obvious by now that I like her, but it's not like I'm in love with her or anything. Besides, she didn't argue when Francis said I could be her soul mate, so I'm guessing I'm not entirely friend-zoned...Right?

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