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I sulked into the halls, not wanting to be stuck in detention with that good for nothing Mexican. I'd honestly rather be at the stupid pep rally that's starting in a bit. I even let my self be pushed around until I eventually got to the door. Detention was always held in the eighth grade English room, so I was familiar with it. I sighed as I pushed the door open and stepped inside. "Ah Lovino Vargas! We've been waiting", I was greeted by the lamest teacher on campus. The one that wears Christmas sweaters in the month of August and spits rockets every time he speaks. "Uh...hello", I looked around the empty classroom and saw Esmeralda sitting in a random seat in the back row digging through her bag. I cautiously took a seat in the front row, not wanting to get close. That damned teacher suddenly gathered all his stuff and started walking out, "Well see ya later folks! I wouldv'e left earlier but I would never trust Miss. Alvarez alone in my beloved room. Toodaloo children!". Then he just left! He left me alone with that delinquent!

"Wait! Where's he going? He can't just leave us! Come back!", I silently prayed for him to come back, that's how desperately I didn't want to be alone with Esmeralda. And to make it worse, he locked us in! I was feeling sick. I heard her laugh from the back, "He's going to the pep rally. Guess he has to much pep to watch us".  We spent for ever in painful silence. I could feel my self panic as I started fidgeting around. I glanced at her through the corner of my eye, she was sitting there smiling doing her nails. Why is she so damned comfortable! No, forget that, who the hell does they're nails in detention? "Pshh are you seriously doing your nails?", I tried to sound as calm as possible, as if her presence didn't set me off. Because I'm Lovino fucking Vargas, and no one throws me off! "Yeah, I am. Is there something wrong with that", she examined her nails and put the polish away. "No....", I couldn't think of anything else to say. She put her feet up on the desk, "So what's the orphanage like?". I thought for a moment, thinking of what to say, "It's a nice place. The kids could use some lightning up". I honestly felt afraid for the kids safety and health. Esmeralda just doesn't seem like the type of person to be good with kids. I don't know her well enough, but I'm just assuming. Maybe I'll ask Feliciano...wait a minute! What do I care? Fuck no, I don't care about those kids. She nodded and took a nap. That is when I decided to look at her thoroughly. She was actually extremely pretty. Underestimated beauty. She looked so peaceful while she laid her head on top of a text book and dozed away. I sensed she was about to wake up so I quickly looked away, pretending I wasn't paying any attention to her.

I had no idea what to do next. Should I talk to her or keep ignoring her? I continued to argue with myself until a loud buzzing sound was heard. I looked over in her direction to find her giggling over a text. She seemed so easy going, as if she had no care in the world and didn't have to worry about half the things she does worry about. She didn't seem so tough, but she didn't look fragile either. I'm guessing I'm probably hallucinating. She was a bad person and that ended it. I felt my own phone buzz and got a text from my grandpa. Hmm, so that old bastard finally figured out his phone. He said he just got back from visiting Rome and we're all going to dinner tonight. I sighed when I saw the restaurant was Hispanic. He was obsessed with cultures and tried to get a little bit from everywhere. Speaking of Hispanic, I looked over at Esmeralda who was looking right at me. I quickly smiled a hello. I am a ladies man when I'm single, since I have my girlfriend, my guards been down. But I still have no trouble with girls...except for this one sitting right in front of me. I hated it. Was I intimidated? Of course not! For eleven years I have tried my best to stay away and so far, it has worked. For eleven years, I have tried to not get too friendly, and it has worked. So what was it that makes it so hard to converse? I guess it's just my guard doing what I told it to do. Making sure I don't get to close.Finally, the English teacher came back to let us out and I ran like hell out of there.

When me and Feli got home, we were immediately greeted by our grandpa, "Guess who's back from Italia! Oh my Feli, lovely as always! Come, give grandpa a hug". Feliciano did as told and I rolled my eyes. He was always my grandfathers favorite, and I was always just there. "Lovino! Looking sharp my grandson, give yourself about two more years and you'll be looking like the mafia! Proud of you", I guess it was a compliment. I took it as one anyways and smiled. I actually had no intentions in joining the mafia when I leave school, just like everyone in the family did, and I'm pretty sure Feliciano feels the same way as I do. All of us got ready and piled into two cars. We are far to big for fitting in just one. Grandpa lead the way to the restaurant, A taste of Cuba. "Cuban? Really Grandpa? Don't you think everyone will find it funny that a bunch of Italian mobsters are gonna walk in for a taste of Cuba?", I raised an eyebrow as I got out the car. "None sense Lovino! I can't wait to see the drinks they serve!", he quickly got out himself and looked around excited. "Your too old to drink. And can we go some where else? I feel awkward", I complained as I walked to his side. "You're never too old for drinking! Be glad that I'm teaching you this now. And no we can't go anywhere else! Cheer up Lovi, it's not like you'll see anyone you know", cheer up? I'm afraid that's not in my vocabulary. Felicano ran up to us followed by the rest of the family, "Ve! It'll be fun!".

Once in the restaurant, Gramps immediately started trying to talk to everyone in Spanish. I blushed from embarrassment and tried to hide behind Feli. We took our seats in a giant rounded table. We got our menus and oh dear....Gramps started yelling..."My my! What a wonderful selection of fish they have! I've never even heard of any of this stuff!". Half the restaurant was watching and just when I though things couldn't get any worse, "Ve! Fratello look! It's Esmeralda! Haven't you two been hanging out lately? Esmeralda, yoohoo! Esmeralda!". I swear I just died on the inside. Oh please lord, I'll give anything to just disappear! I could feel my stomach clench and I lost my air at the mentioning of her name. Never the less, off in the distance, giggling over my grandpa, was her family. Including her cousin. How embarrassing! To make matters worse, Feli was on top of the table frantically waving at her. "Feli! Get down, your embarrassing me", I hissed as I tried to pull him down but he just kept screaming her name from across the building. She smiled at us and gave a happy wave. I sulked in my seat, face red. After our meal, Gramps decided to let the whole vicinity know how much he liked the food. "Excuse me, but my compliments to the chef!", he let his roaring voice echo. "This was an amazing meal and my grandsons Lovi and Feli enjoyed it greatly!", shoot me now. Esmeralda and Alejandro were laughing hysterically. I just wanted to go home and sit in a corner regretting everything. Worst day ever.

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