What Is Going On....

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It was disgustingly groggy outside. Dark skies, fog, freezing weather. As if the weather wasn't bad enough, we were currently on the way to a stupid field trip. God do I hate field trips. But at least it was to an art museum and not some stupid science field trip where they made you catalogue everything you hear, see, and smell. I pulled my scarf up closer to my face and watched the bus window fog up with my breath. What? It's not like I had anything better to do...I blew slightly and watched the little foggy patch expand.

I heard laughter from the back of the bus. Esmeralda and crew. They were speaking in Spanish, but I could pick up on a couple of words because of my Italian. From the few words I could understand, I could come to the conclusion that they were making fun of the bus driver.

How do I feel today? I don't even know. I've been so aloof lately, well...more then usual. I'm exhausted. But from what? I don't over work myself and I get plenty of sleep. I've just been doing some deep thinking lately.

I felt a light tug on my hand and looked over at Femke who was sitting next to me. I realized I was barely holding on to her hand anymore, so I gripped it tighter. "Lovino, are you okay? You've been really off these past weeks and I'm...we'll I'm worried about you honey", the concern in her voice was more then obvious. I forced a smile. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Never better", I let out a tiny laugh and rubbed her hand with my thumb. She wasn't buying it. Shit. "Lovino...", she started, but I interrupted her. "No, honestly. Don't worry about me", I kissed her cheek and she finally smiled. It was weak, but at least I got her off my back. I don't need help. Psshhh, none at all.

I heard more laughter coming from the back. One of them decided to speak, the Puerto Rican boy. "Aye bus driver! My Abuela drives faster and better then you and she don't even have a licences!", all his friends started laughing. Femke made a face of disapproval, "Was that seriously necessary? Why do they always do that? It's so rude. And did you catch his bad grammar? Gosh, those kids never bother to learn anything". I continued to look outside my window when suddenly Feliciano jumped up and started shouting from the seat in front of me. "We're here! Ludwig, we're here! Look!", I kicked his seat. "Shut up! You're embarrassing me!", he pouted and slumped in his seat. Why did they let the grade below mine on this field trip as well? I don't want to deal with a bunch of sophomores, especially Feliciano.

The bus came to a stop and as soon as the doors opened, Esmeralda shot up and ran all the way from her seat in the back to the front of the bus and out. "Does she still work with you?", Femke asked me as we filed out. I nodded, "It's just volunteering remember, but I wouldn't be surprised if Santino gave her a permanent job. He and the kids love her". I looked down and spoke monotonously, not really sure how I actually felt about her working with me. At first, I was jumpy and absolutely hated it, but now...I'm not really sure. I looked over at her. We were actually getting along just fine. But we were still on a small talk level.

Once inside the museum, I unzipped my jacket and walked around with Femke. I put my arm around her as we looked at some sculptors. I squinted my eyes and tilted my head. What the hell was I looking at? Hell, if this was considered art, I'm becoming a sculptor. This looks like the shit I used to draw when I bothered with art, but then again, this sculptor most likely has a secret message that's so mind blowing. Fuck it, I'm not becoming a sculptor. "It's beautiful isn't it", Femke breathed out as she pressed her self against me. "Wait, you know what this is?", I raised an eyebrow. Seriously. What the hell was it? She giggled and wrapped herself around me, "No. But it's Leonardo Da Vinci, so it's a masterpiece". I wrapped my arms around her. "Of course it is", I said sarcastically. Don't get me wrong, I think Leo Da V. was a total genius! But trying to find out what the sculptor was gave me a headache. "Come on, let's go look at some paintings", I put my hands on her shoulders but she remained put. "No, let's stay here for a bit longer", she kissed my lips tenderly. Well okay then... I looked around the room to see if anyone was here with us. Nope, coast is clear. I smiled down at her and led her over behind a sculptor of a...swiss cheese? Bad bone marrow? Anyways, once we were safe behind it, I gave her small peck before pulling back the slightest bit and smiled. "You sure you want to do this here? We might get in trouble", I teased the goody two shoes that was my girlfriend. She let out a shaky laugh, she never gets in trouble. "Yes I do. I wish I could be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, just like you. I want to know what it's like to break a rule", she nervously kissed me back. I bet she was praying that no one saw.

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