Trick or Treat

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I felt my body shake as my stupid brother pounced on top of me. "Happy Halloween Lovi! Oh school's going to be so much fun today, then we have that party tonight! Ahhhh~", he ran out and I noticed he was wearing devil horns. Well that's ironic. I sat up in my bed and stretched. It wasn't that I didn't like Halloween, trust me, it's great! But I just can't see why people get so worked up and pumped about it. Woo guys! Let's go by costumes that we only wear on one night of our entire lives! Yay! Cavities! I rolled my eyes and went to go take a shower.

We were still working on those stupid solar ovens in science class, and of course Esmeralda was still my partner. I have to admit though, we have the best plans for an oven in the class. I can't wait to show it off and then everyone will be jealous of my inner genius. That's right peasants. Be jealous. I walked over to the science lab and was greeted by Esmeralda. "Happy Halloween! Take a lollipop", she shoved a Dum-Dum into my hand and went to go give one to some other kid. I stared at the lollipop, holding it gently in my hands. I looked over at her and saw her making out with Alfred. She had the slightest smile during the kiss and Alfred held her tenderly. Suddenly, this weird tingle hit my chest. I had no idea what it was, so I blamed it on Feliciano's jumping from when he woke me up. I took one last look at the lollipop and shoved it deep in my pocket.

The rest of the day dragged on with people running around in cat ears and capes, girls drawing cat whiskers on with makeup, everyone passing out candy. I actually felt pretty relaxed as I strolled down the school's courtyard. What with the cool wind, autumn leaves, the festivities. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. Out of no where, I came across the image of Esmeralda kissing Alfred. My eyes snapped open and the feeling returned in my chest, "Dammit Feli...Loose weight". It wasn't that I was was just weird. I don't know why, but I can't shake it.

After school, Feli and I got ready for the Halloween party Femke and her brother were hosting. Wait...I just had I thought. Esmeralda and Liam are total buddies...that means she'll most likely be there. I instinctively looked up at myself in the mirror and made sure nothing was off. Nope. Handsome as ever. "WOOF!", the fuck was that! "Woof!",there it goes again. I turn to face the door to see Feliciano already in his costume. "Feli, what the hell are you doing...", did I even want to know? "I'm a werewolf silly~", he wagged his butt and started panting with his tongue hanging out effortlessly. I looked at his costume. Too adorable to be a werewolf, this is so likely of him to wear. I snorted, "Yeah, a baby werewolf". He laughed and ran out howling. I got into my own costume, a hot vamp. Yeah that's right! I'm a vampire! Deal with it, my costume's sexy!

The party was already in full swing once we got there. Feli was currently running around through crowds of people and shoving his mouth with Doritos. I was sitting on the couch having a decent conversation with Femke. "So do you like my costume? I wasn't sure, but I felt an attraction to this Little Bo Peep costume", for some reason, her voice seemed to drone. My mind was elsewhere, looking around the room with anxiety. The back of my mind knew I was looking for You-Know-Who, but the front wouldn't admit it. "Huh? Oh yeah, cute. It's really cute", I said it simply and honestly, I really did think it was, but it wasn't catching my interest at the moment. "Lovino? Are you even listening to me? What's going on in that mind of yours?", she tried to make me look at her, but my eyes kept darting. "Nothing's wrong. Come on, let's go dance", I saw her smile as I took her over to the dance floor just as a new song came on.

The door burst open and party attenders that had apparently decided to go trick or treating came in laughing and seeming out of breath. "Man, those guys will never know what hit them when they wake up tomorrow", it was Liam. He was the first one in, dressed as a skeleton. He took it seriously. He painted his face, had on a fancy blazer and a top hat. A small rose peeped out of his coat pocket. A classy skeleton? After him, came in Ivan Braginsky, "Da, I wish I could be there to see their terrified faces in the morning"...he was always a creepy one. His costume was...Joseph Stalin! Well that's an interesting choice. Then came the annoying cackle of Gilbert Beilschmidt, a pirate lacking a shirt, and Alfred,as Captain America. "Wait, where did our little one go?", Ivan's accent sounded out as he spun around. "I'm right here. I'm short, not invisible!". There. I just knew it was her. And I was right, standing in between ginormous boys, was little Esmeralda dress up as Wonder Woman. I noticed I stopped breathing...she looked over at me and smiled. But it wasn't a "Hey how ya doin'!" was a sneaky, sly smirk! What the hell does that mean! I shook my head and looked over at Femke who was apparently laughing at some joke she just made. I pretended to laugh, but I found myself looking back at Wonder Woman...and damn...she was quite the wonder in that costume...N-not that I thought it was hot or anything! Not that it made me want to check her out slowly and lick my lips while doing it! No! That's creepy! The costume simply...compliments her. Just like every girl has certain attire that compliments them nicely.

She was swapping candy with Ivan...or should I say Evil Russian Dictator when Femke asked if she could go dance with her friends. I let her go, of course because I'm an awesome supportive boyfriend, and stood around wondering what to do. All night, me and Esmeralda kept eyeing each other, and every time, she had that smirk on her face! What the hell does that smirk mean! And she's flaunting her body so it accents her curves! I can't deal with this! I decided to walk over to her when she was finally like, when everyone already left and there was only a few people. "Hey, nice costume", I pointed it out casually. Ya know, as if I didn't give a damn. She nodded, "Thanks. Your's is cool". I know! "Yeah. So umm...H-happy Halloween. I see you went trick or treating", I pointed at her bag. She held it up, "Just around. Then Liam and Gilbert decided to be stupid and tee-peed someone's house. You want something?". She held the opened the bag up and I declined politely. "You know I...", hold up! Since when are we standing five inches away from each other! "I haven't been trick or treating in ages", I finished my sentence. I could feel heat rising from my body and suddenly, I craved for something. This feeling was very familiar, but on a category I never knew. I looked down at her and gave a soft laugh. "What! Why not? Trick or treating is like one of those things that never gets old", she also laughed, but when she fixed her Wonder Woman crown, my body flinched as a tingle ran down my spine. "Well no it doesn't. But people do. I guess it's not really my style. I've just been doing parties for the past couple years", I shoved my fist in my cloak pockets, resiting the urge to make a move. Dammit Ladies man Vargas flirty boy! Put it together. "Don't be ridiculous Lovino. You're never too old for that. We get older and older every year. Hold on to the precious things in life while you still can", I saw a twinkle in her eye. Shit, I'm jello.

"I'll tell you what! I'll make you go trick or treating with me next year. You'll have the time of your life, I swear", is that a promise Esmeralda? Shut up! Get your head in the game, why am I feeling like this! Fuck! That feeling in my chest! That's it, Feliciano's going on a diet. It is Feliciano's fault for the chest pains...right? "Oh I don't know...Are you sure you want to spend your Halloween night trying to awaken the child within me?", I allowed myself a small smile. She stepped closer. Our bodies were almost touching...I could feel the energy radiating of her body WHY ARE YOU SO HEAVY FELI! My chest is about to explode right here and embarrass me! "Of course I'm sure. It'll be fun. And like I said, it's always fun to trick..." her hand disappeared somewhere "...Or treat". Her hand came back and found it's way to my hand as she placed a Reese's double pack in my hand. "Goodnight Lovino", and with that, she left the house. Her cousin came up out of no where and also left right behind her. I twiddled the chocolate in my hand wondering what the hell just happened. Now that I'm thinking like a philosopher...I noticed I always think 'what the hell just happened' after a conversation with her.

I sighed, "Yup. Trick or treat..." I said the later slowly observing my gift. "Treat", I said simply, catching what she pulled off. Wait...then there was a trick! What the hell was the trick! My heart pounded as I remembered when her hand suddenly disappeared. I frantically reached over to my cloak pocket and noticed my ten bucks was gone. How did she even get that with my hand in that pocket! How did I not feel that! I shook my head, but I couldn't help but smile. She was sly. "Trick huh? You sneaky Wonder Woman".

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