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"Lovino! Lovino! Ahem!"

So some asshole is currently trying to catch my attention. Let's get out of the dizzy haze I'm in and see who could deem themselves worthy of my company. I sunk back to Earth and saw a hand waving in my face, I traced said hand all the way to a face and hey, it's my prom date. I rose an eyebrow at Femke and she just pouted. She pouted like a fucking snot nosed child.

"Lovino, you have been stuck with your head in the clouds for about five minutes! I've been trying to get your lazy ass up to dance but you just can't seem to register what's going on right in front of you!" she tapped her heel, was she expecting an explanation? If you ask me, I think she needs to calm down. Nothing wrong with a little daydreaming.

So she wants an explanation? Oh, she's getting one. "Oh I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I am a complete doozy asshole. I'm so sorry that I got lost in the tunes of pop culture hipster beats. They just reach down and I feel at home, I feel connected with this primaddona music. Can you blame a guy for letting music run his mind? Femke, I think I want to run for prom queen! is it too late?" well that seemed to piss her off. Of course it was all a lie, this music is shitty. Sometimes, I think I'm purposefully trying to ruin our relationship. I mean, when the news of prom first started coming up, I just looked at her and told her that her dress better match my suit. So if you think I'm seriously loosing interest, you might be right.

Lucky for me, one of her friends came over to take her away. So I was stuck there, staring at a red solo cup filled with punch as some booty bouncing song replaced the girl world music. I looked over at Femke, dancing with Eleziveta and some other girl with large tits. What they were really doing, was fist pumping and occasionally jumping. They looked like idiots, but they were having fun, so no harm was being done. I mean, maybe it was time I left the Belgian. We had our share in fun and let me tell you, at first, I was seriously into her, but lately...I can't say the feeling is still here. I feel like time is a drag when I'm with her, and I have no idea what can be possessing me to think I'm wasting my time with Femke! And hey, if you just whispered Esmeralda under your breath, I'm going to punch you in the face.

Speaking of which...I found Esmeralda sitting alone a couple tables away from where I was. Feliciano tells me she wasn't going to come, considering she took Gilbert's advice on leaving Alfred for good. He says that Esmeralda had to get her head in the game and leave his sorry ass. Apparently, he was heart broken. I don't believe that for a second. If you ask me, I'd say he was pissed and stormed out in rage, but who am I to make scenarios out of a relationship I don't know anything about. So anyways, cutting to the chase, her cousin Alejandro had convinced her to come, which I think is pretty fishy considering he didn't show up himself. So through my obscure observation skills, I saw Esmeralda come in with Gilbert, but they were just carpooling. She spent some time with Francis, Gilbert, Ivan, and even Femke's brother, but now she's just sitting there all alone and eating a plate full of cookies.

I contemplated on whether or not I should join her. Antonio was here, I saw him chatting up a storm with Arthur and Francis, but...who cares if he sees me hanging out with Esmeralda! Right? I didn't need some bastard giving me orders and telling me who I can and can't hang out with. I can do whatever I want. But then there was Femke, she's already mad at me, she'll be even madder to see me paying attention to Esmeralda when I zoned out on her. After a few more moments of biting my lip and looking back and forth between Esmeralda and Femke, I decided to get up and pop a squat right next to the lonely Mexican. Not because I wanted to talk to her and hear her laugh and seeing the way she coyly rose her eyebrow, pfft of course not. Because when two people are lonely, why not make company?

She was in a long red dress and her wavy hair was down, as if she didn't put any effort into getting made up at all. She didn't see me coming, but hell did she notice me when I almost missed the chair on my way down. I straightened out my black tie, trying to recompose myself.

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